kubeojo in 10 seconds-click-me to visualize-demo-link





which problems it solve:

Having results normally in jenkins we don't visualize them. The results ( and failed tests) are more volatile and the knowledge of the tests failure is something that rely on some internal knowledge and periods.

For improving our test-suites would be nice to track over like 6 months which tests are most failing, etc.


This can be applied for SUSE-Manager team or all team that support junit in jenkins ( this is for the moment the first format of tests)

More then this i would like to use kubeojo for salt-toaster (https://github.com/openSUSE/salt-toaster)

In cucumber we could track the count of failure of feature (group) and also the steps failed( subgroup).

In this way we can have a nice chart. The same reasoning can be applied also for rspec and other tools that use junit format where tests can be ordered in groups.

We could maybe extend functionality over junit but i think is ok to start with junit

This project is part of:

Hack Week 17


  • over 6 years ago: dmaiocchi added keyword "postgresql" to this project.
  • over 6 years ago: dmaiocchi added keyword "romantic" to this project.
  • over 6 years ago: dmaiocchi added keyword "opensuse" to this project.
  • over 6 years ago: dmaiocchi added keyword "popular" to this project.
  • over 6 years ago: dmaiocchi added keyword "populos" to this project.
  • over 6 years ago: dmaiocchi added keyword "hacking" to this project.
  • over 6 years ago: dmaiocchi added keyword "cool" to this project.
  • over 6 years ago: dmaiocchi added keyword "cool" to this project.
  • over 6 years ago: dmaiocchi added keyword "jenkins" to this project.
  • over 6 years ago: dmaiocchi added keyword "data" to this project.
  • over 6 years ago: dmaiocchi added keyword "github" to this project.
  • over 6 years ago: dmaiocchi added keyword "containers" to this project.
  • over 6 years ago: dmaiocchi added keyword "docker" to this project.
  • over 6 years ago: dmaiocchi added keyword "kubernetes" to this project.
  • over 6 years ago: dmaiocchi added keyword "javascript" to this project.
  • over 6 years ago: dmaiocchi added keyword "frontend" to this project.
  • over 6 years ago: dmaiocchi added keyword "github" to this project.
  • over 6 years ago: dmaiocchi added keyword "containers" to this project.
  • over 6 years ago: dmaiocchi added keyword "docker" to this project.
  • over 6 years ago: dmaiocchi added keyword "kubernetes" to this project.
  • over 6 years ago: dmaiocchi added keyword "javascript" to this project.
  • over 6 years ago: dmaiocchi added keyword "frontend" to this project.
  • over 6 years ago: dmaiocchi added keyword "jenkins" to this project.
  • over 6 years ago: dmaiocchi added keyword "data" to this project.
  • over 6 years ago: dmaiocchi added keyword "testing" to this project.
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    Goal for this Hackweek

    Create a web UI, in Svelte ideally, perhaps React.

    It should be able to show photos and videos at least.


    None so far, this is just an idea.

    Testing and adding GNU/Linux distributions on Uyuni by juliogonzalezgil

    Join the Gitter channel! https://gitter.im/uyuni-project/hackweek

    Uyuni is a configuration and infrastructure management tool that saves you time and headaches when you have to manage and update tens, hundreds or even thousands of machines. It also manages configuration, can run audits, build image containers, monitor and much more!

    Currently there are a few distributions that are completely untested on Uyuni or SUSE Manager (AFAIK) or just not tested since a long time, and could be interesting knowing how hard would be working with them and, if possible, fix whatever is broken.

    For newcomers, the easiest distributions are those based on DEB or RPM packages. Distributions with other package formats are doable, but will require adapting the Python and Java code to be able to sync and analyze such packages (and if salt does not support those packages, it will need changes as well). So if you want a distribution with other packages, make sure you are comfortable handling such changes.

    No developer experience? No worries! We had non-developers contributors in the past, and we are ready to help as long as you are willing to learn. If you don't want to code at all, you can also help us preparing the documentation after someone else has the initial code ready, or you could also help with testing :-)

    The idea is testing Salt and Salt-ssh clients, but NOT traditional clients, which are deprecated.

    To consider that a distribution has basic support, we should cover at least (points 3-6 are to be tested for both salt minions and salt ssh minions):

    1. Reposync (this will require using spacewalk-common-channels and adding channels to the .ini file)
    2. Onboarding (salt minion from UI, salt minion from bootstrap scritp, and salt-ssh minion) (this will probably require adding OS to the bootstrap repository creator)
    3. Package management (install, remove, update...)
    4. Patching
    5. Applying any basic salt state (including a formula)
    6. Salt remote commands
    7. Bonus point: Java part for product identification, and monitoring enablement
    8. Bonus point: sumaform enablement (https://github.com/uyuni-project/sumaform)
    9. Bonus point: Documentation (https://github.com/uyuni-project/uyuni-docs)
    10. Bonus point: testsuite enablement (https://github.com/uyuni-project/uyuni/tree/master/testsuite)

    If something is breaking: we can try to fix it, but the main idea is research how supported it is right now. Beyond that it's up to each project member how much to hack :-)

    • If you don't have knowledge about some of the steps: ask the team
    • If you still don't know what to do: switch to another distribution and keep testing.

    This card is for EVERYONE, not just developers. Seriously! We had people from other teams helping that were not developers, and added support for Debian and new SUSE Linux Enterprise and openSUSE Leap versions :-)



    FUSS is a complete GNU/Linux solution (server, client and desktop/standalone) based on Debian for managing an educational network.


    Seems to be a Debian 12 derivative, so adding it could be quite easy.

    • [W] Reposync (this will require using spacewalk-common-channels and adding channels to the .ini file)
    • [W] Onboarding (salt minion from UI, salt minion from bootstrap script, and salt-ssh minion) (this will probably require adding OS to the bootstrap repository creator) --> Working for all 3 options (salt minion UI, salt minion bootstrap script and salt-ssh minion from the UI).
    • [W] Package management (install, remove, update...) --> Installing a new package works, needs to test the rest.
    • [I] Patching (if patch information is available, could require writing some code to parse it, but IIRC we have support for Ubuntu already). No patches detected. Do we support patches for Debian at all?
    • [W] Applying any basic salt state (including a formula)
    • [W] Salt remote commands
    • [ ] Bonus point: Java part for product identification, and monitoring enablement

    Automated Test Report reviewer by oscar-barrios


    In SUMA/Uyuni team we spend a lot of time reviewing test reports, analyzing each of the test cases failing, checking if the test is a flaky test, checking logs, etc.


    Speed up the review by automating some parts through AI, in a way that we can consume some summary of that report that could be meaningful for the reviewer.


    No idea about the resources yet, but we will make use of:

    • HTML/JSON Report (text + screenshots)
    • The Test Suite Status GithHub board (via API)
    • The environment tested (via SSH)
    • The test framework code (via files)

    Make more sense of openQA test results using AI by livdywan


    AI has the potential to help with something many of us spend a lot of time doing which is making sense of openQA logs when a job fails.

    User Story

    Allison Average has a puzzled look on their face while staring at log files that seem to make little sense. Is this a known issue, something completely new or maybe related to infrastructure changes?


    • Leverage a chat interface to help Allison
    • Create a model from scratch based on data from openQA
    • Proof of concept for automated analysis of openQA test results


    • Use AI to suggest solutions to merge conflicts
      • This would need a merge conflict editor that can suggest solving the conflict
    • Use image recognition for needles



    Day 1

    • Conversing with open-webui to teach me how to create a model based on openQA test results

    Day 2


    • I briefly tested compared models to see if they would make me more productive. Between llama, gemma and mistral there was no amazing difference in the results for my case.
    • Convincing the chat interface to produce code specific to my use case required very explicit instructions.
    • Asking for advice on how to use open-webui itself better was frustratingly unfruitful both in trivial and more advanced regards.
    • Documentation on source materials used by LLM's and tools for this purpose seems virtually non-existent - specifically if a logo can be generated based on particular licenses


    • Chat interface-supported development is providing good starting points and open-webui being open source is more flexible than Gemini. Although currently some fancy features such as grounding and generated podcasts are missing.
    • Allison still has to be very experienced with openQA to use a chat interface for test review. Publicly available system prompts would make that easier, though.

    Drag Race - comparative performance testing for pull requests by balanza


    «Sophia, a backend developer, submitted a pull request with optimizations for a critical database query. Once she pushed her code, an automated load test ran, comparing her query against the main branch. Moments later, she saw a new comment automatically added to her PR: the comparison results showed reduced execution time and improved efficiency. Smiling, Sophia messaged her team, “Performance gains confirmed!”»


    • To have a convenient and ergonomic framework to describe test scenarios, including environment and seed;
    • to compare results from different tests
    • to have a GitHub action that executes such tests on a CI environment


    The MVP will be built on top of Preevy and K6.

    Yearly Quality Engineering Ask me Anything - AMA for not-engineering by szarate


    Get a closer look at how developers work on the Engineering team (R & D) of SUSE, and close the collaboration gap between GSI and Engineering


    Santiago can go over different development workflows, and can do a deepdive into how Quality Engineering works (think of my QE Team, the advocates for your customers), The idea of this session is to help open the doors to opportunities for collaboration, and broaden our understanding of SUSE as a whole.


    • Give $audience a small window on how to get some questions answered either on the spot or within days of how some things at engineering are done
    • Give Santiago Zarate from Quality Engineering a look into how $audience sees the engineering departments, and find out possibilities of further collaboration


    By running an "Ask me Anything" session, which is a format of a kind of open Q & A session, where participants ask the host multiple questions.

    How to make it happen?

    I'm happy to help joining a call or we can do it async (online/in person is more fun). Ping me over email-slack and lets make the magic happen!. Doesn't need to be during hackweek, but we gotta kickstart the idea during hackweek ;)


    The rules are simple, the more questions the more fun it will be; while this will be only a window into engineering, it can also be the place to help all of us get to a similar level of understanding of the processes that are behind our respective areas of the organization.


    The host will be monitoring the questions on some pre-agreed page, and try to answer to the best of their knowledge, if a question is too difficult or the host doesn't have the answer, he will do his best to provide an answer at a later date.

    Atendees are encouraged to add questions beforehand; in the case there aren't any, we would be looking at how Quality Engineering tests new products or performs regression tests


    • Introduction of Santiago Zarate, Product Owner of Quality Engineering Core team
    • Introduction of the Group/Team/Persons interested
    • Ice breaker
    • AMA time! Add your questions $PAGE
    • Looking at QE Workflows: How is
      • A maintenance update being tested before being released to our customers
      • Products in development are tested before making it generally available
    • Engineering Opportunity Board

    Drag Race - comparative performance testing for pull requests by balanza


    «Sophia, a backend developer, submitted a pull request with optimizations for a critical database query. Once she pushed her code, an automated load test ran, comparing her query against the main branch. Moments later, she saw a new comment automatically added to her PR: the comparison results showed reduced execution time and improved efficiency. Smiling, Sophia messaged her team, “Performance gains confirmed!”»


    • To have a convenient and ergonomic framework to describe test scenarios, including environment and seed;
    • to compare results from different tests
    • to have a GitHub action that executes such tests on a CI environment


    The MVP will be built on top of Preevy and K6.

    SUSE AI Meets the Game Board by moio

    Use tabletopgames.ai’s open source TAG and PyTAG frameworks to apply Statistical Forward Planning and Deep Reinforcement Learning to two board games of our own design. On an all-green, all-open source, all-AWS stack!
    A chameleon playing chess in a train car, as a metaphor of SUSE AI applied to games

    Results: Infrastructure Achievements

    We successfully built and automated a containerized stack to support our AI experiments. This included:

    A screenshot of k9s and nvtop showing PyTAG running in Kubernetes with GPU acceleration

    ./deploy.sh and voilà - Kubernetes running PyTAG (k9s, above) with GPU acceleration (nvtop, below)

    Results: Game Design Insights

    Our project focused on modeling and analyzing two card games of our own design within the TAG framework:

    • Game Modeling: We implemented models for Dario's "Bamboo" and Silvio's "Totoro" and "R3" games, enabling AI agents to play thousands of games ...in minutes!
    • AI-driven optimization: By analyzing statistical data on moves, strategies, and outcomes, we iteratively tweaked the game mechanics and rules to achieve better balance and player engagement.
    • Advanced analytics: Leveraging AI agents with Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) and random action selection, we compared performance metrics to identify optimal strategies and uncover opportunities for game refinement .

    Cards from the three games

    A family picture of our card games in progress. From the top: Bamboo, Totoro, R3

    Results: Learning, Collaboration, and Innovation

    Beyond technical accomplishments, the project showcased innovative approaches to coding, learning, and teamwork:

    • "Trio programming" with AI assistance: Our "trio programming" approach—two developers and GitHub Copilot—was a standout success, especially in handling slightly-repetitive but not-quite-exactly-copypaste tasks. Java as a language tends to be verbose and we found it to be fitting particularly well.
    • AI tools for reporting and documentation: We extensively used AI chatbots to streamline writing and reporting. (Including writing this report! ...but this note was added manually during edit!)
    • GPU compute expertise: Overcoming challenges with CUDA drivers and cloud infrastructure deepened our understanding of GPU-accelerated workloads in the open-source ecosystem.
    • Game design as a learning platform: By blending AI techniques with creative game design, we learned not only about AI strategies but also about making games fun, engaging, and balanced.

    Last but not least we had a lot of fun! ...and this was definitely not a chatbot generated line!

    The Context: AI + Board Games

    ClusterOps - Easily install and manage your personal kubernetes cluster by andreabenini


    ClusterOps is a Kubernetes installer and operator designed to streamline the initial configuration and ongoing maintenance of kubernetes clusters. The focus of this project is primarily on personal or local installations. However, the goal is to expand its use to encompass all installations of Kubernetes for local development purposes.
    It simplifies cluster management by automating tasks and providing just one user-friendly YAML-based configuration config.yml.


    • Simplified Configuration: Define your desired cluster state in a simple YAML file, and ClusterOps will handle the rest.
    • Automated Setup: Automates initial cluster configuration, including network settings, storage provisioning, special requirements (for example GPUs) and essential components installation.
    • Ongoing Maintenance: Performs routine maintenance tasks such as upgrades, security updates, and resource monitoring.
    • Extensibility: Easily extend functionality with custom plugins and configurations.
    • Self-Healing: Detects and recovers from common cluster issues, ensuring stability, idempotence and reliability. Same operation can be performed multiple times without changing the result.
    • Discreet: It works only on what it knows, if you are manually configuring parts of your kubernetes and this configuration does not interfere with it you can happily continue to work on several parts and use this tool only for what is needed.


    • distribution and engine independence. Install your favorite kubernetes engine with your package manager, execute one script and you'll have a complete working environment at your disposal.
    • Basic config approach. One single config.yml file with configuration requirements (add/remove features): human readable, plain and simple. All fancy configs managed automatically (ingress, balancers, services, proxy, ...).
    • Local Builtin ContainerHub. The default installation provides a fully configured ContainerHub available locally along with the kubernetes installation. This configuration allows the user to build, upload and deploy custom container images as they were provided from external sources. Internet public sources are still available but local development can be kept in this localhost server. Builtin ClusterOps operator will be fetched from this ContainerHub registry too.
    • Kubernetes official dashboard installed as a plugin, others planned too (k9s for example).
    • Kubevirt plugin installed and properly configured. Unleash the power of classic virtualization (KVM+QEMU) on top of Kubernetes and manage your entire system from there, libvirtd and virsh libs are required.
    • One operator to rule them all. The installation script configures your machine automatically during installation and adds one kubernetes operator to manage your local cluster. From there the operator takes care of the cluster on your behalf.
    • Clean installation and removal. Just test it, when you are done just use the same program to uninstall everything without leaving configs (or pods) behind.

    Planned features (Wishlist / TODOs)

    • Containerized Data Importer (CDI). Persistent storage management add-on for Kubernetes to provide a declarative way of building and importing Virtual Machine Disks on PVCs for

    Improve Development Environment on Uyuni by mbussolotto


    Currently create a dev environment on Uyuni might be complicated. The steps are:

    • add the correct repo
    • download packages
    • configure your IDE (checkstyle, format rules, sonarlint....)
    • setup debug environment
    • ...

    The current doc can be improved: some information are hard to be find out, some others are completely missing.

    Dev Container might solve this situation.


    Uyuni development in no time:

    • using VSCode:
      • setting.json should contains all settings (for all languages in Uyuni, with all checkstyle rules etc...)
      • dev container should contains all dependencies
      • setup debug environment
    • implement a GitHub Workspace solution
    • re-write documentation

    Lots of pieces are already implemented: we need to connect them in a consistent solution.


    • https://github.com/uyuni-project/uyuni/wiki

    Enable the containerized Uyuni server to run on different host OS by j_renner


    The Uyuni server is provided as a container, but we still require it to run on Leap Micro? This is not how people expect to use containerized applications, so it would be great if we tested other host OSs and enabled them by providing builds of necessary tools for (e.g. mgradm). Interesting candidates should be:

    • openSUSE Leap
    • Cent OS 7
    • Ubuntu
    • ???


    Make it really easy for anyone to run the Uyuni containerized server on whatever OS they want (with support for containers of course).

    ADS-B receiver with MicroOS by epaolantonio

    I would like to put one of my spare Raspberry Pis to good use, and what better way to see what flies above my head at any time? add-emoji

    There are various ready-to-use distros already set-up to provide feeder data to platforms like Flightradar24, ADS-B Exchange, FlightAware etc... The goal here would be to do it using MicroOS as a base and containerized decoding of ADS-B data (via tools like dump1090) and web frontend (tar1090).


    • Create a working receiver using MicroOS as a base, and containers based on Tumbleweed
    • Make it easy to install
    • Optimize for maximum laziness (i.e. it should take care of itself with minimum intervention)


    • 1x Small Board Computer capable of running MicroOS
    • 1x RTL2832U DVB-T dongle
    • 1x MicroSD card
    • https://github.com/antirez/dump1090
    • https://github.com/flightaware/dump1090 (dump1090 fork by FlightAware)
    • https://github.com/wiedehopf/tar1090

    Project status (2024-11-22)

    So I'd say that I'm pretty satisfied with how it turned out. I've packaged readsb (as a replacement for dump1090), tar1090, tar1090-db and mlat-client (not used yet).

    Current status:

    • Able to set-up a working receiver using combustion+ignition (web app based on Fuel Ignition)
    • Able to feed to various feeds using the Beast protocol (Airplanes.live, ADSB.fi, ADSB.lol, ADSBExchange.com, Flyitalyadsb.com, Planespotters.net)
    • Able to feed to Flightradar24 (initial-setup available but NOT tested! I've only tested using a key I already had)
    • Local web interface (tar1090) to easily visualize the results
    • Cockpit pre-configured to ease maintenance

    What's missing:

    • MLAT (Multilateration) support. I've packaged mlat-client already, but I have to wire it up
    • FlightAware support

    Give it a go at https://g7.github.io/adsbreceiver/ !

    Project links

    Migrate from Docker to Podman by tjyrinki_suse


    I'd like to continue my former work on containerization of several domains on a single server by changing from Docker containers to Podman containers. That will need an OS upgrade as well as Podman is not available in that old server version.


    • Update OS.
    • Migrate from Docker to Podman.
    • Keep everything functional, including the existing "meanwhile done" additional Docker container that is actually being used already.
    • Keep everything at least as secure as currently. One of the reasons of having the containers is to isolate risks related to services open to public Internet.
    • Try to enable the Podman use in production.
    • At minimum, learn about all of these topics.
    • Optionally, improve Ansible side of things as well...


    A search engine is one's friend. Migrating from Docker to Podman, and from docker-compose to podman-compose.

    Install Uyuni on Kubernetes in cloud-native way by cbosdonnat


    For now installing Uyuni on Kubernetes requires running mgradm on a cluster node... which is not what users would do in the Kubernetes world. The idea is to implement an installation based only on helm charts and probably an operator.


    Install Uyuni from Rancher UI.


    Extending KubeVirtBMC's capability by adding Redfish support by zchang


    In Hack Week 23, we delivered a project called KubeBMC (renamed to KubeVirtBMC now), which brings the good old-fashioned IPMI ways to manage virtual machines running on KubeVirt-powered clusters. This opens the possibility of integrating existing bare-metal provisioning solutions like Tinkerbell with virtualized environments. We even received an inquiry about transferring the project to the KubeVirt organization. So, a proposal was filed, which was accepted by the KubeVirt community, and the project was renamed after that. We have many tasks on our to-do list. Some of them are administrative tasks; some are feature-related. One of the most requested features is Redfish support.


    Extend the capability of KubeVirtBMC by adding Redfish support. Currently, the virtbmc component only exposes IPMI endpoints. We need to implement another simulator to expose Redfish endpoints, as we did with the IPMI module. We aim at a basic set of functionalities:

    • Power management
    • Boot device selection
    • Virtual media mount (this one is not so basic add-emoji )


    ClusterOps - Easily install and manage your personal kubernetes cluster by andreabenini


    ClusterOps is a Kubernetes installer and operator designed to streamline the initial configuration and ongoing maintenance of kubernetes clusters. The focus of this project is primarily on personal or local installations. However, the goal is to expand its use to encompass all installations of Kubernetes for local development purposes.
    It simplifies cluster management by automating tasks and providing just one user-friendly YAML-based configuration config.yml.


    • Simplified Configuration: Define your desired cluster state in a simple YAML file, and ClusterOps will handle the rest.
    • Automated Setup: Automates initial cluster configuration, including network settings, storage provisioning, special requirements (for example GPUs) and essential components installation.
    • Ongoing Maintenance: Performs routine maintenance tasks such as upgrades, security updates, and resource monitoring.
    • Extensibility: Easily extend functionality with custom plugins and configurations.
    • Self-Healing: Detects and recovers from common cluster issues, ensuring stability, idempotence and reliability. Same operation can be performed multiple times without changing the result.
    • Discreet: It works only on what it knows, if you are manually configuring parts of your kubernetes and this configuration does not interfere with it you can happily continue to work on several parts and use this tool only for what is needed.


    • distribution and engine independence. Install your favorite kubernetes engine with your package manager, execute one script and you'll have a complete working environment at your disposal.
    • Basic config approach. One single config.yml file with configuration requirements (add/remove features): human readable, plain and simple. All fancy configs managed automatically (ingress, balancers, services, proxy, ...).
    • Local Builtin ContainerHub. The default installation provides a fully configured ContainerHub available locally along with the kubernetes installation. This configuration allows the user to build, upload and deploy custom container images as they were provided from external sources. Internet public sources are still available but local development can be kept in this localhost server. Builtin ClusterOps operator will be fetched from this ContainerHub registry too.
    • Kubernetes official dashboard installed as a plugin, others planned too (k9s for example).
    • Kubevirt plugin installed and properly configured. Unleash the power of classic virtualization (KVM+QEMU) on top of Kubernetes and manage your entire system from there, libvirtd and virsh libs are required.
    • One operator to rule them all. The installation script configures your machine automatically during installation and adds one kubernetes operator to manage your local cluster. From there the operator takes care of the cluster on your behalf.
    • Clean installation and removal. Just test it, when you are done just use the same program to uninstall everything without leaving configs (or pods) behind.

    Planned features (Wishlist / TODOs)

    • Containerized Data Importer (CDI). Persistent storage management add-on for Kubernetes to provide a declarative way of building and importing Virtual Machine Disks on PVCs for

    Learn enough Golang and hack on CoreDNS by jkuzilek


    I'm implementing a split-horizon DNS for my home Kubernetes cluster to be able to access my internal (and external) services over the local network through public domains. I managed to make a PoC with the k8s_gateway plugin for CoreDNS. However, I soon found out it responds with IPs for all Gateways assigned to HTTPRoutes, publishing public IPs as well as the internal Loadbalancer ones.

    To remedy this issue, a simple filtering mechanism has to be implemented.


    • Learn an acceptable amount of Golang
    • Implement GatewayClass (and IngressClass) filtering for k8s_gateway
    • Deploy on homelab cluster
    • Profit?


    EDIT: Feature mostly complete. An unfinished PR lies here. Successfully tested working on homelab cluster.

    Integrate Backstage with Rancher Manager by nwmacd


    Backstage (backstage.io) is an open-source, CNCF project that allows you to create your own developer portal. There are many plugins for Backstage.

    This could be a great compliment to Rancher Manager.


    Learn and experiment with Backstage and look at how this could be integrated with Rancher Manager. Goal is to have some kind of integration completed in this Hack week.


    Screen shot of home page at the end of Hackweek:


    Day One

    • Got Backstage running locally, understanding configuration with HTTPs.
    • Got Backstage embedded in an IFRAME inside of Rancher
    • Added content into the software catalog (see: https://backstage.io/docs/features/techdocs/getting-started/)
    • Understood more about the entity model

    Day Two

    • Connected Backstage to the Rancher local cluster and configured the Kubernetes plugin.
    • Created Rancher theme to make the light theme more consistent with Rancher


    Days Three and Day Four

    • Created two backend plugins for Backstage:

      1. Catalog Entity Provider - this imports users from Rancher into Backstage
      2. Auth Provider - uses the proxied sign-in pattern to check the Rancher session cookie, to user that to authenticate the user with Rancher and then log them into Backstage by connecting this to the imported User entity from the catalog entity provider plugin.
    • With this in place, you can single-sign-on between Rancher and Backstage when it is deployed within Rancher. Note this is only when running locally for development at present



    Day Five

    • Start to build out a production deployment for all of the above
    • Made some progress, but hit issues with the authentication and proxying when running proxied within Rancher, which needs further investigation

    Agama Expert Partitioner by joseivanlopez


    Agama is a new Linux installer that will be very likely used for SLES 16.

    It offers an UI for configuring the target system (language, patterns, network, etc). One of the more complex sections is the storage configuration, which is going to be revamped. This project consists on exploring the possibility of having something similar to the YaST Expert Partitioner for Agama.


    • Explore different approaches for the storage UI in Agama.

    Agama installer on-line demo by lslezak


    The Agama installer provides a quite complex user interface. We have some screenshots on the web page but as it is basically a web application it would be nice to have some on-line demo where users could click and check it live.

    The problem is that the Agama server directly accesses the hardware (storage probing) and loads installation repositories. We cannot easily mock this in the on-line demo so the easiest way is to have just a read-only demo. You could explore the configuration options but you could not change anything, all changes would be ignored.

    The read-only demo would be a bit limited but I still think it would be useful for potential users get the feeling of the new Agama installer and get familiar with it before using in a real installation.

    As a proof of concept I already created this on-line demo.

    The implementation basically builds Agama in two modes - recording mode where it saves all REST API responses and replay mode where it for the REST API requests returns the previously recorded responses. Recording in the browser is inconvenient and error prone, there should be some scripting instead (see below).


    • Create an Agama on-line demo which can be easily tested by users
    • The Agama installer is still in alpha phase and in active development, the online demo needs to be easily rebuilt with the latest Agama version
    • Ideally there should be some automation so the demo page is rebuilt automatically without any developer interactions (once a day or week?)


    • Use OpenAPI to get all Agama REST API endpoints, write a script which queries all the endpoints automatically and saves the collected data to a file (see this related PR).
    • Write a script for starting an Agama VM (use libvirt/qemu?), the script should ensure we always use the same virtual HW so if we need to dump the latest REST API state we get the same (or very similar data). This should ensure the demo page does not change much regarding the storage proposal etc...
    • Fix changing the product, currently it gets stuck after clicking the "Select" button.
    • Move the mocking data (the recorded REST API responses) outside the Agama sources, it's too big and will be probably often updated. To avoid messing the history keep it in a separate GitHub repository
    • Allow changing the UI language
    • Display some note (watermark) in the page so it is clear it is a read-only demo (probably with some version or build date to know how old it is)
    • Automation for building new demo page from the latest sources. There should be some check which ensures the recorded data still matches the OpenAPI specification.

    Changing the UI language

    This will be quite tricky because selecting the proper translation file is done on the server side. We would probably need to completely re-implement the logic in the browser side and adapt the server for that.

    Also some REST API responses contain translated texts (storage proposal, pattern names in software). We would need to query the respective endpoints in all supported languages and return the correct response in runtime according to the currently selected language.


    Design the new UI for storage configuration at Agama by ancorgs


    We are in the process of re-designing the web user interface to configure storage at Agama. We expected to have a clear idea of what we wanted before starting Hack Week. But the idea is still not that clear. So I will use use my Hack Week time to try several prototypes since I really want this to be done.


    Have a prototype using Patternfly components and addressing all the use-cases we want to cover. Easy for the easy cases. Capable for the complex ones.

    Editor mode at Agama web interface by ancorgs


    Agama is a new Linux installer that will be very likely used for SLES 16.

    It takes a configuration (in JSON format) as input. And offers several interfaces to build that configuration in an easy and interactive way.

    I was considering the possibility to add to the web interface a "text editor" mode similar to the XML editor available at virt-manager. That could be used to see how the changes in the UI translate into changes on the configuration.


    • Refresh my knowledge about UI development for Agama, since there was a major overhaul recently (adopting TanStack Query) and I need to learn the new way to do things.
    • Please hackers who always want to know how things work internally. :-)

    Try to render Agama in a TUI browser by ancorgs


    Agama is a new Linux installer that will be very likely used for SLES 16. It offers a modern and convenient web interface that can be executed both locally and remotely.

    But of course some users will miss the old TUI (ncurses) interface of the YaST installer.

    So I want to experiment whether would it be possible to render a simplified version of the web interface for TUI browsers. That's only doable and maintainable if we keep the current technology stack we use for rendering the full-blown page, simply replacing complicated UI elements with others that are easy to render. That means the browser would need to support Javascript.

    Chawan seems to be almost there regarding support for Javascript, XHR and related technologies. But according to this conversation, the next missing piece would be to support recursive import of module script tags.

    Unfortunately, Chawan is written in Nim and I'm pretty sure a week is not enough time for me to learn Nim, implement the feature at Chawan and then fix whatever is the next obstacle on the Agama side.

    But if someone could take care of the Nim part, I would do the same with the Agama one. So this is basically a call for help to get this project even started.

    Create openSUSE images for Arm/RISC-V boards by avicenzi

    Project Description

    Create openSUSE images (or test generic EFI images) for Arm and/or RISC-V boards that are not yet supported.

    Goal for this Hackweek

    Create bootable images of Tumbleweed for SBCs that currently have no images available or are untested.

    Consider generic EFI images where possible, as some boards can hold a bootloader.

    Document in the openSUSE Wiki how to flash and use the image for a given board.

    Boards that I have around and there are no images:

    • Rock 3B
    • Nano PC T3 Plus
    • Lichee RV D1
    • StartFive VisionFive (has some image needs testing)

    Hack Week 22

    Hack Week 21


    Update Haskell ecosystem in Tumbleweed to GHC-9.10.x by psimons


    We are currently at GHC-9.8.x, which a bit old. So I'd like to take a shot at the latest version of the compiler, GHC-9.10.x. This is gonna be interesting because the new version requires major updates to all kinds of libraries and base packages, which typically means patching lots of packages to make them build again.


    Have working builds of GHC-9.10.x and the required Haskell packages in 'devel:languages:haskell` so that we can compile:

    • git-annex
    • pandoc
    • xmonad
    • cabal-install


    • https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/devel:languages:haskell/
    • https://github.com/opensuse-haskell/configuration/
    • #discuss-haskell
    • https://www.twitch.tv/peti343

    New migration tool for Leap by lkocman


    I will call a meeting with other interested people at 11:00 CET https://meet.opensuse.org/migrationtool


    SLES 16 plans to have no yast tool in it. Leap 16 might keep some bits, however, we need a new tool for Leap to SLES migration, as this was previously handled by a yast2-migration-sle


    A tool able to migrate Leap 16 to SLES 16, I would like to cover also other scenarios within openSUSE, as in many cases users would have to edit repository files manually.

    • Leap -> Leap n+1 (minor and major version updates)
    • Leap -> SLES docs
    • Leap -> Tumbleweed
    • Leap -> Slowroll
    • Leap Micro -> Leap Micro n+1 (minor and major version updates)
    • Leap Micro -> MicroOS

    Hackweek 24 update

    Marcela and I were working on the project from Brno coworking as well as finalizing pieces after the hackweek. We've tested several migration scenarios and it works. But it needs further polishing and testing.

    Projected was renamed to opensuse-migration-tool and was submitted to devel project https://build.opensuse.org/requests/1227281



    Out of scope is any migration to an immutable system. I know Richard already has some tool for that.


    Tracker for yast stack reduction code-o-o/leap/features#173 YaST stack reduction

    New openSUSE-welcome by lkocman

    Project Description

    Let's revisit our existing openSUSE welcome app.

    My goal was to show Leap 16 in a new coat. Welcome app adds to the first time use experience. We've recently added donation button to our existing welcome.

    Some things that I recently wanted to address were EOL and possibly upgrade notification.

    I've already done some experiments with mint welcome app, but not sure if it's better than the existing one.

    There is also a PR to rework existing app https://github.com/openSUSE/openSUSE-welcome/pull/36 (this should be considered as an option too)

    Goal for this Hackweek

    New welcome app, possibly with EOL notification for Leap.

    1) Welcome application(s) with (rebrand changes) maintained under github.com/openSUSE

    2) Application is submitted to openSUSE:Factory && openSUSE:Leap:16.0

    3) Updated needles in openQA (probably post hackweek)


    Reddit discussion about the best welcome app out there.

    Github repo for the current welcome app.

    Enlightenment in Leap 16 by simotek


    Get the Enlightenment stack + X11 building and running on the Leap 16 codebase.


    • Get enlightenment / terminology compiling for Leap 16
    • Test that they are running correctly in a Virtual Machine.
