
Elixir / Erlang use their own solutions to create clusters that work together. Kubernetes provide its own orchestration. Due to the nature of the BEAM, it looks a very promising technology for applications that run in Kubernetes and requite to be always on, specifically if they are created as web pages using Phoenix.


  • Investigate and provide solutions that work in Phoenix LiveView using Kubernetes resources, so a multi-pod application can be used
  • Provide an end to end example that creates and deploy a container from source code.


Looking for hackers with the skills:

elixir elixir-lang kubernetes

This project is part of:

Hack Week 24


  • 4 months ago: socon started this project.
  • 4 months ago: socon added keyword "elixir" to this project.
  • 4 months ago: socon added keyword "elixir-lang" to this project.
  • 4 months ago: socon added keyword "kubernetes" to this project.
  • 4 months ago: socon originated this project.

  • Comments

    • socon
      4 months ago by socon | Reply

      Solution uploaded in the github code. Article published with the result:

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