Drag Race - comparative performance testing for pull requestsa project by balanza Description«Sophia, a backend developer, submitted a pull request with optimizations for a critical database query. Once she pushed her code, an automated load test ran, comparing her query against the main branch. Moments later, she saw a new comment automatically added to her PR: the comparison results showed reduced execution time and improved efficiency. Smiling, Sophia messaged her team, “Performance gains confirmed!”» |
Make more sense of openQA test results using AIan invention by livdywan DescriptionAI has the potential to help with something many of us spend a lot of time doing which is making sense of openQA logs when a job fails. |
Hack on isotest-ng - a rust port of isotovideo (os-autoinst aka testrunner of openQA)a project by szarate Description |
Yearly Quality Engineering Ask me Anything - AMA for not-engineeringa project by szarate GoalGet a closer look at how developers work on the Engineering team (R & D) of SUSE, and close the collaboration gap between GSI and Engineering |