Native build of openSUSE WSL images on aarch64a project by lkocman Project Description |
Upstream support for RPi4 CM4 and Pi400a project by nsaenzjulienne |
HobbyFarm Helpa project by baumaeam |
Use and learn Harvestera project by ganghe |
Get familiar with k3sa project by riafarov |
Porting a Robot to 64 bit ARM / Raspberry Pi 3a project by simotek |
Qactus (Qt App) packaging dashboarda project by simotek |
Learn about amdgpu OpenCL neural network use for video enhancingan invention by tjyrinki_suse Project Description |
Getting started with deep learning - face detectiona project by mlin7442 Project Description |
Family with Lightweight Kubernetes - K3s + Kebuvirta project by xguo |
k8s-rook-clienta project by haass |
Restructure the services on HA team lab servers and use harvestera project by wanghaisu Project Description |
Remote alarm system using RaspberryPi pico for box rooma project by scabrero |
Improve Webtool "Football Team Manager"a project by holgisms In order to get me help managing our football (en_us: "soccer") team, I developed a web tool in php. |
multipath-tools: improve CIa project by mwilck Project Description |
Internet, are you ok? A voyage into Vue, Vuex, Nuxt and Typescripta project by richardcox |
Improve mtk scripts and improve on python skillsa project by bfilho |
setup pvpgn on raspberry 4a project by jerrytang |
Improve Relax-and-Recover (ReaR) system migration: Different disk size invention by jsmeix Relax-and-Recover (ReaR) is used to recreate a destroyed system on compatible replacement hardware, see |
Kernel livepatching tooling: improve klp-ccp's target abstractiona project by nstange Project DescriptionThe kernel livepatching team developed klp-ccp to automate the work intensive task of copy&pasting self-contained livepatches from the original kernel sources together. We started using it right away as soon as it had been in a somewhat workable state, even though some quirks and workarounds are still required in everyday usage. The main barrier towards developing klp-ccp further is its internal compiler abstraction, intended to keep the generic code independent from the original compiler resp. the target architecture. It evolved over time and had been amended incrementally in an ad-hoc fashion as needed to quickly reach the main goal at the time. So there's room for improvement. |
Eye-blink detectora project by xarbulu |
Dawnscanner: revive the project and create an RPM packagea project by pperego |
Clandestine Chat Room(s)a project by nbutler |
NeoMutt: Show index and body of emails in a horizontal splitan invention by iivanov |
Create a proof of concept to parse the openQA logs to beautify them and provide query toolsan invention by ilausuch Project Description |
Study Google Motion Photo file formatan invention by tjyrinki_suse Project Description |
Finding Files that are Shadowed by a Mounta project by shundhammer This started as a sub-project of QDirStat, but it turned out that this may be useful in general, and it would be too dangerous and too error-prone to offer it directly in the QDirStat GUI. Things can easily go wrong, there may be many pathological situations, and many operations require root permissions; not anything a GUI program should rely upon. |
Fix some warnings in graphviza project by cvoegl |
Rewrite OPI - the Obs Package Installer - in python and add a plugin interfacea project by dheidler OPI is a cli tool that combines the features of with similar functionality for the Packman repo (eg. installing video codecs) and also allows installing proprietary packages from various vendors. |
Guided Study: RaspberryPi and IoTa project by gmoro Project DescriptionUse the week to study new trends in IoT and edge and study the book Exploring Raspberry Pi |
Learn python, python-gtk3, play with orangepi zero, experiment ili9341 and 20x4 LCD screena project by aginies Project Description |
Timelapse videos on Raspberry Pi 4a project by jlausuch Project DescriptionUsing HQ cameras from Waveshare and RPi hardware, write configurable scripts to create different timelapse scenes (clouds, traffic, ...). The software should capture a frame every X seconds for the desired period of time and build a video out of all the images. |
YAML 1.2 Schema support for PyYAMLan invention by tinita |
Semi-automated XMLRPC based tool for uyuni testing written in Rust languagea project by lkotek |
Script that loads dummy data into HANA database for testing invention by rangelino |
VR APP development for Oculus Quest 2a project by lyan Project Description |