Project Description

Create a JS library to get the output openQA logs (autoinst-log) and

  • Parse and create a in memory queryable database
  • Provide query tools (such as filter by severity level, from/to, contains, type of log line, ...)
  • Beautify the logs
  • Should be easily integrated in the openQA UI


  • Based on the Anton's ideas
  • Based on lnav experience (


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This project is part of:

Hack Week 20


  • almost 4 years ago: cdywan liked this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: mkittler liked this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: jlausuch liked this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: okurz liked this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: ilausuch started this project.
  • almost 4 years ago: ilausuch originated this project.

  • Comments

    • shockedpreserve
      7 days ago by shockedpreserve | Reply

      Looking forward to seeing how features like filtering by severity and log type are implemented. Great reference to lnav and Anton's ideas—good luck with your development! planet clicker

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