OBS started distributing live events through a rabbitmq and Bernhard's obsbugzilla scripts can use that as an additional source to update bugzilla with reduced and more uniform delays, e.g. within 30 minutes of the last SR relating to a given bug.

http://paste.suse.de/18815 has example python code


https://github.com/bmwiedemann/obsbugzilla/tree/devel has working code to use rabbitmq source

This was running for OBS since the hackweek and since 2017-11-24 the new rabbitmq data source is deployed for the internal OBS instance as well using a .service file to start the persistent rabbitmqsource process

Looking for hackers with the skills:

rabbitmq perl

This project is part of:

Hack Week 16


  • over 7 years ago: bmwiedemann started this project.
  • over 7 years ago: bmwiedemann added keyword "rabbitmq" to this project.
  • over 7 years ago: bmwiedemann added keyword "perl" to this project.
  • over 7 years ago: bmwiedemann originated this project.

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    Create object oriented API for perl's YAML::XS module, with YAML 1.2 Support by tinita


    YAML::XS is a binding to libyaml and already quite old, but the most popular YAML module for perl. There are two main issues:

    • It uses global package variables to influence behaviour.
    • It didn't implement the loading of types like numbers and booleans according to the YAML spec (neither 1.1 nor 1.2).


    Create a new interface which works object oriented. Currently YAML::XS exports a list of functions.

    • The new API will allow to create a YAML::XS object containing configuration influencing the behaviour of loading and dumping.
      • It keeps the libyaml parser and emitter structs in memory, so repeated calls can save the creation of those structs
    • It will by default implement the YAML 1.2 Core Schema, so it is compatible to other YAML processors in perl and in other languages
    • If I have time, I would like to add the merge << key feature as an option. We could then use it in openQA as a replacement for YAML::PP to be faster.

    I already created a proof of concept with a minimal functionality some weeks before this HackWeek.
