TumbleSLE - Applying Tumbleweed Logic to the SLE codebase for more efficient testing & developmentan invention by RBrownSUSE Right now internal SLE development is still organised & structured around the concept of 'Milestones'. Schedules are defined, deadlines are set, and off we go making Alpha 1, 2, 3, Betas 1, 2, 3, RC's, and so on. |
spec-cleaner improvementsa project by pluskalm We want to improve translation of dependencies done by spec-cleaner (i.e. cmake(blah)) and so on - see github. |
Analyze supportconfig data with ELK (elasticsearch, logstash, kibana)a project by kwk We all pant for customer data. Which hardware do customers run ? Which packages are installed ? Which services are running ? etc. pp. |
Gomoduino: put some nice lights on your workstation to notify your coleagues when you are busya project by vcuadradojuan https://github.com/viccuad/gomoduino |
Prettify room booking displays in Nurembergan invention by algraf Nuremberg recently received room booking displays that would in theory show the current occupation of rooms. Unfortunately they are Windows CE based. And they don't actually show anything useful because we don't use Exchange. |
froxlor Server Management Panela project by asemen froxlor Server Management Panel |
desktop savera project by psladek The idea is to produce a standalone, independent tool to save and restore windows positions and sizes, analogous to a similar feature in KDE desktop. This would be handy in various lightweight desktop enviroments. |
Tool to write raw images to USB disksa project by alarrosa The idea would be to create a qt5/kde5 based utility that can use local raw images as well as download a list of sources from a remote site. The idea is to provide a user interface that can be used by any user as well as a user interface that can be used in kiosk mode for booths so that a visitor can put a usb pendrive in any usb slot, select the image he/she wants to write to it and get it written in parallel to other usb memories. |
Assembly Diff Tool for kGrafta project by joro This is about writing a tool to find differences in assembly files generated by gcc. The goal is to find the symbols in a program that have changed by a source code patch. This information can then be used to create and/or verify kGraft patches. |
work on the sTeam collaboration platforma project by eMBee open-sTeam is a platform for cooperative work and cooperative learning developed at the university of paderborn in germany. the platform is being used at http://societyserver.org/ and is being developed further. |
Port supportconfig to openSUSEa project by eeich Supporttools are great and useful utilities to help support and development |
SUSE papercrafts - Portusa project by fteodori Sometimes it is hard to promote our project at conferences and events. During this hackweek I'd like to prototype a papercraft for promoting Portus at the upcoming containercon. |
fedmsg for SUSE servicesan invention by oholecek Our beloved competitor developed and use project-wide message bus called Fedora Infrastructure Message Bus. This project was already adapted, or is being adapted, also by Debian community. |
Qt based chinese learning programa project by mvetter The IdeaSince some time I am interested in getting better at C++ and learn more about Qt framework. Since I learn best with having a project/goal I came up with this: |
kanku - openstack handleran invention by M0ses kanku make's installation and testing of kiwi images built by OBS very easy. |
kanku - Refactoring of core componentsan invention by M0ses kanku make's installation and testing of kiwi images built by OBS very easy. |
Speed up zypper in Beijing Officean invention by lzwang It is not a about make a new software. It is a service in fact. |
Fix up configurations, pet projects and so ona project by mssola Since I'm already working on a work-related project (https://hackweek.suse.com/14/projects/1388), I decided to also spend some time improving some of my toolbox. This includes configurations, scripts, pet projects and so on. |
Dove-eye (3D object tracking) improvementan invention by mkoutny See README for description of the Dove-eye project (poor man's Hawk-Eye). |
A generic mechanism for analysing and manipulating diverse software configuration filesa project by guohouzuo There are vastly different syntaxes being used by Linux softwares nowadays - Apache, Bind, NTP, Postfix, just to name a few. It is a very tedious task to implement comprehensive parser for every single configuration file, and even more difficult to produce configuration text (file content) from parsed syntax tree. |
Integrate AutoYaST with software configuration management systemsan invention by IGonzalezSosa FATE#319830, FATE#319843 and FATE#319842 propose integration of AutoYaST with different software configuration management systems like Salt, Chef and Puppet. |
port coreboot to 96Boards HiKeya project by vimacs Hikey is a development board with HiSilicon Kirin 620 eight-core ARM Cortex-A53 64-bit SoC. The original firmware is based on Tianocore EDK II, and I'd like to port coreboot to this board. |
Enlightenment Themesa project by simotek I have several themes in progress, they all need lots of work before they could be used with openSUSE. * The gtk people keep changing things so the gtk theme I use to match my enlightenment theme also needs fixing. |
zypper-docker with multiple backends and an APIa project by mssola During the last CSM workshop I started to refactor zypper-docker in a way that: |
Integrate Machinery into SLEnkins (QA-automation-testing)a project by dmaiocchi WEB_PAGES: |
Enlightenment systray improvementsa project by simotek The systray module hasn't been ported to the new gadgets system so the aim is to port it. |
Enlightenment openQA improvements + git build images.a project by simotek
Make slenkins test happaya project by tian-feng Metadata project provides testsuites as a service. Slenkins test wants to use metadata but requires two new fields. I will add |
Implement git-explode to untangle linear sequence of commits into multiple independent topic branchesa project by aspiers Automate the process described here: |
nm-applet: Better iconsa project by simotek Enhance nm-applet icons |
Work on KDE translation improvementa project by vpelcak I intend to work on translation of KDE to Czech language. |
Migrate drone plugins to new versiona project by tboerger As I'm already a maintainer of the plugins for Drone CI and we are nearby of a new releases which totally changed the structure of the plugins I would like to start migrating the existing plugins to the new structure. |
Docker registry UI in Go and ReactJSa project by tboerger I would like to continue to work on a web UI for the Docker registry. I know we already got Portus which is based on Ruby on Rails, but I would prefer a project based on Golang with a singlepage application for the frontend based on RactJS. So because of the singlepage application we are forced to write proper APIs that gets consumed by the javascript application, beside that I also want to add a CLI client for managing the system. |
Live audio projecta project by simotek Live audio tools could use some work in openSUSE and are fun to play with. |
Create a parser for Training Labsa project by dguitarbite Introduction |
packaing Xorgxrdp drivers on openSUSEan invention by zhangxiaofei Quotes from xrdp wiki: https://github.com/neutrinolabs/xorgxrdp/wiki/Xorg-drivers-for-xrdp |
Rootless Containersan invention by cyphar In many cases, people want to start containers on a system where the administrator is not happy about granting privileges to users or installing any new software. For example, when I was a researcher and wanted to run Python 3 on a computing cluster it was not possible to get the administrator to install Docker or Python 3. |
Linux kernel networking: Improving qdisc hierarchiesa project by jkosina
Learn Twisted and finsh a tool can check information from machine group base on twisteda project by katherine97 Twisted is an event-driven networking engine written in Python.I am very interested in it , Hope after learned Twisted,I can know how to use it and add some small tools or functions in our comparison tool,such as a tool can query information from our machine group uniformly,sent mail or IRC information during test and so on. Introduction of Twisted:https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ |
osc diff should support customized difftools, e.g. vimdiffa project by zhangxiaofei Utilities like git and quilt support customized difftools in some ways. It's would be great if this is introduced to osc for commands like diff, pdiff, prdiff, rdiff, rq --diff, sr --diff. |
Investigate Rails reporting frameworks for SCCa project by wstephenson Reporting demands on SCC are increasing. Rather than creating hand crafted 'one-shot' reports in response to every request, this project aims to discover whether there is a better way. |
terraform.io modules for SUSE Manageran invention by moio The SUSE Manager team currently uses vagrantup.com to create developer environments (a project known as suminator). |
Reviving the Nokia N900a project by mstaudt The Nokia N900 is a versatile phone/tablet/mini-computer. While its specs are outdated by today's standards, it's still hard to find something equivalently useful to hack on-the-go. |