SUSE Music(ian) Space

a project by ralfflaxa

Once again, the SUSE band is coming together to make music and we're planning a party this time round!!! We have a band name :-)

Updated over 3 years ago. 46 hacker ♥️.


a project by jeff_mahoney

New Development In previous hack weeks, the first few days ended up being wasted on just getting it working. I'm pleased to share that the code quality has improved dramatically since the last hack week and there are now extensive test cases for both unit testing and testing against real vmcores, and we'll use both mypy and pylint (if installed) to perform static analysis. Packages for those are available in openSUSE or as part of the crash-python OBS repo for SLE15. It has been tested with kernels from 3.0 to 5.1.

Updated over 3 years ago. 21 hacker ♥️. 4 followers.

Package some stuff for openSUSE-Factory

a project by pluskalm

As every hackweek, lets package/update/cleanup some stuff fore factory: Update/package:

Updated over 5 years ago. 6 hacker ♥️.

Get real with NFV on Suse OpenStack Cloud

a project by mmnelemane

The idea behind the project comes from recent work on integration of OpenDayLight with Suse OpenStack Cloud 6/7. The goal for this Hackweek project is to realize a demonstrable NFV use-case on Suse OpenStack Cloud with as much reduced manual orchestration as possible. The use-case to consider is to run a Service Function Chain(SFC) with basic Network functions like Firewall/QoS that run as services on JeOS Guests on SUSE OpenStack Cloud (SOC).

Updated over 5 years ago. 6 hacker ♥️.

Hack the Hack Week tool

an invention by hennevogel

This project is about advancing the tool you're currently browsing. It got started back in Hack Week 9 to retire all the weird tools we've used in the past to track ideas. As you can see it has gone far but is still far from done. There are lots of features missing and bugs to be fixed on github. Get going!

Updated over 2 years ago. 24 hacker ♥️.

Group Refactoring of OSEM

an invention by hennevogel

Meet up NBG meeting room Paris with fellow Ruby on Rails hackers, throw an editor/shell onto the wall, grab a cup of coffee and refactor OSEM code together. That way we can share knowledge about setting up the development environment, editor tricks, RSpec patterns, gems or general rails code. Interested? Join us!

Updated over 2 years ago. 5 hacker ♥️.

Orca: hunting cephalopods for fun and dinner

a project by LarsMB

Orcas are amazing animals. They are playful, intelligent, great swimmers, and very social. They also love to play with their food, hunting down their prey with advanced strategies - understanding where its prey hides, how it will try to escape, and how to overcome those tactics - and having a lot of fun doing so, before relentlessly tearing it apart, killing it, and eat it. Not necessarily in that order. Oh, and they have the right color scheme. This forces their prey to also improve and adapt more advanced strategies and tactics. In this arms race, both sides evolve and improve: the evolutionary pressure has made cephalopods highly intelligent, adaptable, and resilient. Unfortunately (for them), they are still very tasty. So we should exert more evolutionary pressure on individuals to help them stay alive as a species.

Updated over 4 years ago. 8 hacker ♥️.

x86 instructions decoder

a project by bpetkov

This is the tool I've been working on since HW11 and it needs more work. Actually, there's always something which could be done on it. It is basically an x86 instruction decoder with special emphasis on the kernel and decoding interesting pieces of it in order to help in the development of low-level patching techniques, among others. git repo:

Updated over 2 years ago. 17 hacker ♥️. 2 followers.

X86_64 platform system program

a project by jnwang


It can boot up from udisk/floppy.

Updated over 2 years ago. 8 hacker ♥️. 3 followers.

virtio-serial in OpenStack

a project by e_bischoff

Currently, the usual way to communicate with VM instances in the cloud from outside is ssh. This is okay for most uses, but a) does not work when you mess up with the guest's ability to network and b) requires a free floating IP. I wonder if, for qemu/kvm instances, it would be possible to use virtio-serial possibilities : from the guest, it is seen as a serial port, and from the outside, it is seen as a UNIX socket, or as something else. It is fast, as it does not go through virtualization and device drivers.

Updated over 5 years ago. 19 hacker ♥️.