Quotes from xrdp wiki: https://github.com/neutrinolabs/xorgxrdp/wiki/Xorg-drivers-for-xrdp

"At first, xrdp used Xvnc only for the X11 backend. Later X11rdp was used as the X11 backend as another option to Xvnc. X11rdp has definitely proved itself as a superior replacement for Xvnc. Xvnc is limited to the VNC drawing primitives. X11rdp was built for RDP.

One big issue with X11rdp was that it's a complete new build of Xorg. The version is probably different than the local installed Xorg. This doubles the security vulnerabilities.

Xorgxrdp is a set of driver for Xorg and installs along with your local Xorg drivers. A separate xorg.conf is used to start Xorg to tell it to use the xrdp drivers.

Xorgxrdp also compiles must faster as it only need to build the drivers."

We used to have X11rdp on SLE11. But dropped it for SLE12 due the obvious disadvantages stated above. So currently we only have Xvnc as backend for xrdp.

I will try to package and tune the new Xorgxrdp for openSUSE and SLE12.

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  • about 8 years ago: zhangxiaofei started this project.
  • about 8 years ago: zhangxiaofei originated this project.

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