SUSE Manager/Spacewalk client debug/test shellan idea by dmacvicar When developing for SUSE Manager, it gets tiresome to setup clients in order to debug and test with clients. |
Static download endpoint for SUSE Manageran invention by dmacvicar The download end-point of Spacewalk/SUSE Manager resolves the packages from channels dynamically with a database query. |
Taskotop on the weba project by dleidi Taskotop is a tool to check what taskomatic is currently doing on a SUSE Manager server: it's a command line python tool. The core of the tool is to get some info about jobs that taskomatic is running with a fixed time cycle running some queries and showing results to the shell. |
YaST module for (SUSE Manager) salt parametrizable formulasa project by dmacvicar Parametrizable formulas is a normal salt module plus some metadata in order to interactively parametrize them. The metadata is used to automatically generate forms that are then injected as pillar data. |
SUSE Manager / Salt integration revisiteda project by j_renner There is a number of possible improvements to the architecture of SUSE Manager / Salt integration that should be investigated in order to improve the reliability and scalability of the backend: |
SUSE MANAGER automation of creating custom channels "suma-custom-channel"a project by asemen SUSE Manager has the possibility to add custom channels using the GUI. |
Go async (and non-blocking) with HTTP requestsa project by j_renner There is a couple of libraries available for asynchronous and non-blocking processing of HTTP requests (in Java) that can be used to avoid having threads waiting for responses in request intensive applications, for example: |
My Little Managera project by lucidd Yes this project is yet another project for creating a Suse Manager clone. |
Add SUSE Manager virtualization management capabilitiesa project by cbosdonnat SUSE Manager can do some virtual machines management, but needs a lot to be complete. This project is about investigating more on that topic. |
Learning & using Tensorflow to estimate patch installation times on SUSE Manageran invention by PSuarezHernandez Introduction |
SUSE Manager containerizationa project by mbologna Let's containerize SUSE Manager! This will open up different (and interesting) scenarios: |
Clean up the Uyuni frontend stacka project by j_renner Many of the Uyuni / SUSE Manager web UIs are still based on the no longer maintained Struts framework (version 1.2!) and implemented as JSP pages, while we added newer features based on the Spark framework and React. For me there is a vision of using only one technology stack (especially just one web framework, frontend framework and template engine) eventually, so it is about time to get rid of the old stack. While this is surely a huge effort, why not start with a new login page and then go from there rewriting other pages one by one? |
SUSE Manager - self sufficient frontend serveran invention by LuNeves Explore the possibility to have a self sufficient frontend server running locally. This server would compile all the frontend code and act as a proxy/middleware pointing either for a dev ref-server or to a local SUMA instance. This way would be possible to do modifications in frontend even without having a SUMA server running locally. |
Teach SUMA to sign repository metadataan invention by mcalmer Signing metadata requires a lot of manual interaction and knowledge of the customer. This was the reason why we never implemented it for SUMA as the benefit was very low. |
SUMA add test=True for highstate to UIan invention by mcalmer First thing you learn, when you start with salt, is to use test=True before you really call the highstate. |
Suse Manager - SPAa project by LuNeves The experience while navigating throughout the UI of Suse Manager it's not that nice. Whenever we navigate to a new page, the whole page gets refreshed and recreated, even when half of it didn't change a thing, for instance, the menu, topbar, and the notifications WebSocket connection, which in my opinion doesn't provide a smooth experience. |
terracumber: python replacement for sumaform-test-runneran invention by juliogonzalezgil At SUSE Manager and Uyuni we use right now a set of bash scripts called sumaform-test-runner to run terraform and cucumber, send notifications and store cucumber results. |
Investigate options to introduce Plugins to SUSE Managera project by cbosdonnat For years we have been discussing the idea to modularize SUSE Manager. This would enable developers to create their own extensions to SUSE Manager without needing to touch the core repository. |
SUSE Manager: Better feedback for scheduled actionsa project by fkobzik Motivation |
Testing and adding GNU/Linux distributions on Uyunia project by juliogonzalezgil Join the Gitter channel! |
Uyuni: re-architecting code with Akkaa project by moio Simplify the codebase by using a more modern toolkit to accelerate maintenance and future development. |
Uyuni/SUSE Manager: build Python APE and a Salt+Python bundle to support ANY client operating systeman idea by pagarcia Uyuni/SUSE Manager build client tools for each of the supported operating systems: SLES 11, SLES 12, SLES 15, RHEL 6, RHEL 7, RHEL 8, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04, Debian 9, Debian 10... the list is long. This is required because each operating system has different base libraries (glibc, OpenSSL, Python version, etc). |
Uyuni/SUSE Manager: Windows client supporta project by pagarcia I'll continue the effort I started at last Hackweek to support Windows clients in Uyuni/SUSE Manager using Salt. When this is done, SUSE Manager would act as a WSUS server to Windows clients. |
Uyuni/SUSE Manager containerization projecta project by moio Deploy Uyuni as an app from the Rancher marketplace - or install via Helm on any Kubernetes cluster, on any OS, or any Public Cloud. |
Raspberry Pi and SUSE Managera project by e_bischoff I have bought a Raspberry Pi 400 and would like to experiment how it integrates into SUSE ecosystem. |
On-demand notification using spacewalk (SUMA) APIa project by atighineanu |
Uyuni as a Bootstrap themean idea by Etheryte Project Description |
Modern frontend build tooling for Uyunian idea by Etheryte Project Description |
Uyuni/SUSE Manager Server Helm chart on k3sa project by moio |
Refresh the internal SUSE Manager maintenance documentationa project by deneb_alpha Project DescriptionWith this project I would like to refresh/update the confluence documentation describing how SUSE Manager maintenance works and how to process a SUSE Manager update round. |
Saline: Salt state appliement monitoringa project by vzhestkov Project Description |
Create tool to analyze supportconfig to spot common SUSE Manager / Uyuni issuesan invention by cbosdonnat |
Uyuni test suite improvementsan invention by dgedon Project Description |
Spike about integrating Trento in SUMAan invention by oscar-barrios Project Description |
Improve OpenSCAP support in Uyunia project by admehmood |
Deploy Uyuni proxy using Elemental and Fleetan invention by cbosdonnat Project Description |
Container images for building the Uyuni docsan invention by juliogonzalezgil Project Description |
Code Coverage of spacewalk-java aka Suma Server after a full TestSuite executiona project by oscar-barrios Project Description |
UYUNI - synchronize content between registry serversan invention by RDiasMateus |
Enhance product migration feature in Uyuni(SUSE Manager) to migrate from regular SLES to SLES4SAPa project by admehmood |
Saline (state deployment control and monitoring tool for SUSE Manager/Uyuni)an invention by vizhestkov |
Generate ignition/combustion files from Uyuni/SUSE Managera project by dvosburg |
Integration of Ironic in Uyuni for automating provisioning of bare metal machines.a project by ygutierrez |
Collect flaky test cases identified by the team in a GitHub board and highlight them in the Test reportan invention by oscar-barrios Project Description |
Improve Development Environment on Uyunia project by mbussolotto DescriptionCurrently create a dev environment on Uyuni might be complicated. The steps are: |
Create SUSE Manager users from ldap/ad groupsa project by mbrookhuis DescriptionThis tool is used to create users in SUSE Manager Server based on LDAP/AD groups. For each LDAP/AD group a role within SUSE Manager Server is defined. |