


Looking for projects around:

Nothing at the moment


  • 11 months ago: dvosburg started Generate ignition/combustion files from Uyuni/SUSE Manager
  • 11 months ago: dvosburg added keyword "susemanager" to Generate ignition/combustion files from Uyuni/SUSE Manager
  • 11 months ago: dvosburg added keyword "salt" to Generate ignition/combustion files from Uyuni/SUSE Manager
  • 11 months ago: dvosburg added keyword "ignition" to Generate ignition/combustion files from Uyuni/SUSE Manager
  • 11 months ago: dvosburg added keyword "json" to Generate ignition/combustion files from Uyuni/SUSE Manager
  • 11 months ago: dvosburg added keyword "slemicro" to Generate ignition/combustion files from Uyuni/SUSE Manager
  • 11 months ago: dvosburg added keyword "combustion" to Generate ignition/combustion files from Uyuni/SUSE Manager
  • 11 months ago: dvosburg added keyword "uyuni" to Generate ignition/combustion files from Uyuni/SUSE Manager
  • 11 months ago: dvosburg originated Generate ignition/combustion files from Uyuni/SUSE Manager
  • 11 months ago: dvosburg left Enhance product migration feature in Uyuni(SUSE Manager) to migrate from regular SLES to SLES4SAP
  • 11 months ago: dvosburg started Enhance product migration feature in Uyuni(SUSE Manager) to migrate from regular SLES to SLES4SAP
  • over 4 years ago: dvosburg started SUSE Manager salt minion Provisioning/Upgrade
  • over 4 years ago: dvosburg originated SUSE Manager salt minion Provisioning/Upgrade
  • over 7 years ago: dvosburg liked SUSE Manager / Salt integration revisited