uMEC Documentation - Architecture and Installationa project by FSzekely Overview |
Humidity sensors with dashboarda project by joachimwerner Build a network of ("edge") humidity sensors using Raspberry Pis with SenseHats and additional cheaper sensors |
Building a CNF solution for Edge environmenta project by lizhang |
K3S Control Planes as a servicea project by ademicev0 |
Edge Image Builder and mkosi for Uyunia project by oholecek Description |
Build Edge Image Builder ISO with SUSE Manageran invention by mweiss2 DescriptionWith SUSE Manager, we can build OS Images using KIWI and container images. As we have Edge Image Builder, we want to see if it is possible to use SUSE Manager to build/customize OS Images by integrating Edge Image Builder as well. |
Small healthcheck tool for Longhorna project by mbrookhuis |