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4 months ago: FSzekely liked Highly Avaliable DNS for nonprofit organization
5 months ago: FSzekely liked Capyboard, ESP32 Development Board for Education
5 months ago: FSzekely liked Grapesss: a physical Shamir's Secret Sharing application [ESP32-C3 + Mobile]
5 months ago: FSzekely liked FamilyTrip Planner: A Personalized Travel Planning Platform for Families
5 months ago: FSzekely liked Hack robotic vacuum cleaner
5 months ago: FSzekely originated Sandarium Smart Lighthouse
about 5 years ago: FSzekely liked Artificial Intelligence playground for Data Scientist
about 5 years ago: FSzekely liked Supportable Jetson Nano
about 5 years ago: FSzekely liked k3s: A lightweight Kubernetes for IoT & Edge Computing
about 5 years ago: FSzekely added keyword "5g" to uMEC Documentation - Architecture and Installation
about 5 years ago: FSzekely added keyword "edge" to uMEC Documentation - Architecture and Installation
about 5 years ago: FSzekely added keyword "faas" to uMEC Documentation - Architecture and Installation
about 5 years ago: FSzekely added keyword "serverless" to uMEC Documentation - Architecture and Installation
about 5 years ago: FSzekely added keyword "iot" to uMEC Documentation - Architecture and Installation
about 5 years ago: FSzekely originated uMEC Documentation - Architecture and Installation