Saltboot ability to deploy OEM imagesan idea by oholecek Description |
Sandarium Smart Lighthousean idea by FSzekely Description |
Daily Game With Godota project by zzaimeche Description |
Agama installer on-line demoa project by lslezak Description |
Contribute to crust-gatheran invention by tneau Descriptioncrust-gather is a great tool to collect state information on a Kubernetes cluster, to be later able to serve it offline. This eases troubleshooting of CI workflows on cloud-native apps. |
Understand and maybe implement optimal solution finder for Rubik's Cube using IDA* algorithman invention by aschnell The Rubik's Cube celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. The goal of this hackweek project is to understand the IDA* (the star is part |
Create a web UI for metrics collection scriptsa project by mpavuk Description |
Enhancements of Linux kernel debugging toolsa project by firoyang DescriptionImprove our daily used debugging tools: crash-utility, drgn, kdump, makedumpfile, and so on. |
ADS-B receiver with MicroOSan invention by epaolantonio I would like to put one of my spare Raspberry Pis to good use, and what better way to see what flies above my head at any time? |
Running a Wayland only system for both Tumbleweed and Leap idea by yfjiang Description |
Improve various phones kernel mainline support (Qualcomm, Exynos, MediaTek)an idea by pvorel Similar to previous hackweeks (, try to improve kernel mainline support of various phones. |
Personal DNS and TLS infrastructurean idea by pdostal DescriptionThe goal is to host HA DNS setup myself. I wanna host my public as well as internal zones. The servers will be interconnected via p2p Wireguard tunnels. The deployment will be done via Ansible. |
Symbol Relationsa project by hli Description |
Check health of my openSUSE packagesan invention by pluskalm
Customize and testing automation trying my openwrt image on x86 and raspberryan idea by zyuhu Hackweek 19 This project purpose are: |
Evaluate and document two out of three nodes lost for K3s / RKE2 and Harvestera project by mweiss2 DescriptionNeed to find out what the impact is for loosing quorum and recovery from this situation in case of K3s / RKE2 and Harvester. |
Learn Linux kernel code and play with a early versionan idea by renxt0310 DescriptionI am learning Linux kernel for some time. In order to understand how kernel works, I read the code based on version 0.12 and do some hands on in VM. I will continue and hope understand more in the concentrated time of hackweek. |
Query Topology over Timea project by fvanlankvelt DescriptionThe Topology in SUSE Observability describes how the different components in a system interact with each other. It is maintained with history, so can be reconstructed at any point in the past. |
Practice MLperf benchmark for AI testing purposean idea by cachen DescriptionI would like to take this hackweek to learn and play MLperf benchmark on openSUSE or SLES or SLMicro, by following the guidance in |