
Another Godot one! It's the future! :)

I've done some tutorials and made a couple of hobby projects, but it would be nice to dedicate some time to learning in more depth. So! The plan is to make a small game each day, to familiarise with the libraries, and then embellish as time permits. A snake implementation, breakout, space invaders... I may also look into the packaging and distribution side, since I don't have a great workflow for that yet. Undecided whether to stick to 2D or try more 3D as well.


A game a day.


Godot class reference:

'Game Programming Patterns' book they recommended in their docs:

(This may not be immediately relevant, since I'm focusing more on familiarising with libraries and ways to perform certain mechanics, but it's a good book and I got distracted reading it on the first morning, so I'm putting it here anyway!)

(Android sdk is already installed and working for packaging, but I originally used the kotlin/jetpack compose docs on how to install that, fyi, along with the godot docs on export templates)

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Hack Week 24


  • 3 months ago: jlp liked this project.
  • 4 months ago: m.crivellari liked this project.
  • 4 months ago: zzaimeche started this project.
  • 4 months ago: zzaimeche originated this project.

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