Get rid of your foreign currencies - support the war on hunger!a project by mfeilner The Doc team decided to collect remainders of foreign currencies to donate them to a 3rd world project. |
Reactive programming with Python RxPya project by SShyukriev I'm planning to get basics of Reactive Programming and especially the documentation in ReactiveX and try some examples from RxPy |
Learn more Cryptography knowledge and FIPS related idea by bchou Security field is getting more important these years. I plan to learn more about Cryptography related knowledge to improve the FIPS testing in the future. |
L3-CaaS+CAP+NFSa project by gfigueir [CaaS] [CAP] Work on a long term solution for L3 team to easily reproduce customer's issues |
Play with MACCHIATObina project by lyan
Building SDN with Raspberry Pis and Zodiac FX switcha project by lyan Have several raspberry pis at hand, and also bought a Zodiac a while ago, will setup a software define network with ryu. Also will check on package possibility for ryu in opensuse |
Virtual GPU display support for Guest VMa project by lyan 0 Background |
hack with "yes_ship_it" and add it to kubeojoa project by dmaiocchi |
learning deepsea and ceph worlda project by dmaiocchi just learning this awesome software we contribute at @suse upstream. |
Network improvements in our Gran Canaria extra-official officea project by rtorrero I'd like to spent some time improving the network for our office in Gran Canaria in the following aspects: |
Jaeger with a Trace of Salta project by ed_lane Abstract:
Package odpdowna project by jgrassler I have been known to talk anybody I held presentations with into using odpdown. |
Rewrite makedumpfile using libkdumpfile as backenda project by ptesarik The aim is to replace dump file read routines in makedumpfile with library functions from libkdumpfile. This should enable (among other things) filtering Xen DomU dump files. |
Simulating Tape Drives via tcmu-runnera project by lee_duncan At the suggestion of Hannes, I would like to try to make mhvtl work with tcmu-runner. Mhvtl is a tape-drive emulation package, which emulates various types of tapes drives and tape robot units (for loading drives). This package was originally based on the kernel debug SCSI driver, and still has a kernel component. This kernel component talks to user-space via a special character device. |
explore grimoire labs and CHAOSS toolsa project by dmaiocchi This is a small learning hackweek that i will do in parallel with my others hackweek and elixir projects |
Write an AWS observer applicationa project by cfconrad The idea behind this is to have a application, which observe the usage of AWS instances and later other providers like azure and google. This could be used with public cloud tests in openQA. |
Learn SeaStar C++ framework for high-performance server applicationsa project by ifed01 Seastar is an advanced, open-source C++ framework for high-performance server applications on modern hardware. Seastar is used in Scylla, a high-performance NoSQL database compatible with Apache Cassandra Ceph community is currently working on migration to this project as well. |
Setup a SUMA Server to play witha project by AngelaBriel Setup a SUMA Server in a VM on my workstation. Playing around to find out, how it works and how to add new functionality (like sapconf or saptune). Learning a little bit SALT will - hopefully - be the nice side effect. |
Learn about DHT protocol and write a client in Go/Rubya project by ikapelyukhin The subject says it. Learning about DHT seems like a fun project. |
Alternative React and Material-UI frontend for SUSE Managera project by malbu Develop a proof of concept frontend based on React and Material-UI as an alternative to the JSP/Struts based frontend currently available. |
[unassigned] improve new openSUSE image writeran idea by lnussel In order to aid loading openSUSE installation and Live images on USB sticks we have a little GUI program called imagewriter. It's a bit dated so Fabian started a newer one with better UI suitable for touch screen that offers the available images on demand, store images offline for conferences and fairs etc: |
Use Terraform+Ansible to provision/deprovision Factorio servera project by ikapelyukhin There's sadly not much time to enjoy Factorio with friends, so from economy perspective it makes sense not to have the server running when it's not used. |
Path clustering for multipathdan idea by mwilck Recent multipath-tools contains a patch series that allows latency-based path prioritization. However the code is clumsy and not well designed. |
Use avahi for mdns queries in hplipan idea by mwilck The HPLIP package contains a custom implementation of mDNS queries (actually, 2: one in the core C code and one in python for the administration tools). This implementation is simplistic and sub-optimal. I fixed a problem of this implementation in the past, but unfortunately my patches don't apply on the latest HPLIP releases, and aren't easily forward-ported. |
git-based mail clientan idea by KGronlund I want to create a more modern mail storage format, which leverages git and tagging instead of folders to manage my mail. |
SLE-15 virtualization server tuning - make it fasteran idea by oertel Investigate on our virt setup. Some things we found with sle12 might no longer be true, new I/O schedulers exist, network setup might have room for speedups as well. |
Learn python by building a homepage with Flaskan idea by mbrugger I thought it would be time to learn a new programming language. I decided to go with python, as it's an all-rounder and I have some basic knowledge on that. |
Prototype a new libzypp APIan idea by zbenjamin We had the idea of a event based, non blocking libzypp API. Would be nice to iron out the requirements and maybe do some prototyping to see if the idea makes sense. |
Add u-boot support for banana-pi r2a project by mbrugger Banana-pi R2 has quite a good upstream support in the kernel, but lacks a u-boot support. |
Set up my RPi with MyCroft+Kodi as a lightweigt music playeran idea by zbenjamin I have a RPi3 + touchscreen on my desk for some time. I'd like to play with Kodi + Mycroft to create some sort of OSS Alexa to connect to my bluetooth speaker. |
Wine packaging for other distributionsan idea by msmeissn OBS is the goto tool for providing source packages not just for openSUSE but also for other distributions. |
Killing security bugs and zombies in the shadows with X-rays and gitlaba project by vpereirabr To follow a responsible disclosure while dealing with security issues on Open Build Service, we are going to setup a gitlab project mirroring our github project and set CI, using gitlab CI, to make sure that the security changes aren't introducing any regression and avoid embargoed issues being leaked. |
Learn Ansiblean idea by cvar Ansible is great for easily provisioning systems and whole clusters. Compared to Salt it may be slower, but on the other hand it doesn't have to install "minion-like" software on the hosts it operates on. My very-near-future plan is to create an Ansible playbook for fast-provisioning Ceph clusters and automatically running a series of functionality tests on them. Also, I can see Ansible playing an important role on my efforts for automating virtualization testing. |
Disturb Face Recognitionan idea by kfreitag People do photos everywhere, and share them via social networks. some like it, some also really not. |
minikubican idea by suntorytimed minikubic |
Photo browser that groups pictures by location and datean idea by jmoellers When you make photos with devices that have a GPS on-board, the coordinates of the take are often included in the pciture meta data. Certain fruity viewers group pictures according to location (eg "Maxfeldstr. 5; 90409 Nürnberg" and date (eg "6. Juli 2018"). I'd like to write a (qt-based) picture viewer which does that. |
pam modulean idea by mslacken I want to look into the possibilty to have pam module which gets its information via openchain. |
New office decorationa project by mdeniz As we have grown in our remote and non official office at Gran Canaria we had to rent another space. This new office is almost empty and we need a little bit of love to improve the sensation of relax and commodity while we do what we love most. |
Investigate and setup internal survey systema project by rsimai We often struggle to get feedback from our people, in particular if it's supposed to be anonymous. There are external systems on the Internet which are typically commercial, where (free) usage is limited and situation with GDPR isn't clear. |
Self Encryption Drives support in openSUSEan idea by michael-chang Self Encryption Drive (SED) is used to achieve hardware based full disk encryption provided by hard disk drive vendors. The project is aiming to use openSUSE to build the package necessary to enable the device, notably a more intuitive way to build Preboot Authentication (PBA) Image and deploy it to unlock the device at boot time. |
ocfs2 online defragmentationan idea by lchen So far, ocfs2 has no tool for defragmentation. |
Continue learn openQAan idea by waynechen55 Continue to get familiar with openQA components and workflow by performing virtualization host upgrade automation. Get first-hand impression on openQA's characteristics and weaknesses. Note down any findings that worth noticing. |
Full automation testing framework for KVMa project by jnwang So I have to build a tool for in full automation, when I work on KVM testing. The tool should be base on and compatible QASET (that is used currently in QA team. |
Alert of key words in WeChat message with Pythonan idea by Julie_CAO purpose: a study project. |
Learn more about Open vSwitch and SDNa project by david_chang openvswitch is more used by openstack and software defined networking stack. And it seems having a lot of improvements. In this hackweek, I'd like to see what's |
Create images for openQA SLE12SP4 Migration groupan idea by zoecao I will learn to create images for openQA SLE12SP4 Migration group during Hackweek 17. |
read a 'Modern C++ Programming with Test-Driven Development Code Better, Sleep Better -- Jeff Langr' bookan idea by zhengqiang This is a book about modern C++ programming. I mean, if you are a C++ programmer, you’re going to love all the code in this book. I will share the main ideas with my teammates. Thanks. |
Continue learn about Docker and Goan idea by mitiao Continue the project from Hackweek 16 to read the book of source code analysis of docker. |
openSUSE Xen Testing (and vice-versa)a project by dfaggioli Currently, the Xen-Project supports automated build-testing/CI via GitLab pipelines, within containers based on: |
Graphical view of the changes to be made to disks during installationa project by ancorgs Right now, during the (open)SUSE installation process, the changes to be performed on the storage devices are presented as a list of actions such as: |