I have been known to talk anybody I held presentations with into using odpdown.

That was always a little awkward, since it started off with pip install odpdown, rather than zypper install odpdown. I want to fix this awkwardness and package odpdown properly so it can be installed as a RPM package. I'll also include the auxiliary infrastructure I've added around it over the years (various Makefiles and scripts for generating transcripts from comments) to the package so others can benefit from that stuff, too.

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  • almost 5 years ago: bmwiedemann liked this project.
  • about 5 years ago: jgrassler started this project.
  • over 6 years ago: rsimai liked this project.
  • over 6 years ago: jgrassler originated this project.

  • Comments

    • jgrassler
      over 6 years ago by jgrassler | Reply

      Not much there, yet, but here's a basic package for now (remove the spaces from the URL, the form unsuccessfully interprets alphanumeric characters as Emojis):

      https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/home: jgrassler: branches: Publishing

      I'm still tinkering with the Ultimate Makefile[tm] that will be the centerpiece of odpdown-init, odpdown's moral equivalent to git init, which will provide you with a ready made working directory already set up with a Makefile and all the plumbing you need for building your presentation from the slide template selected, so you'll only need to edit the markdown slides and enter make.

      This Makefile will be a little more generic than the tailor made ones I usually write when I create a new presentation, and it ventures into territory where Make begins to become...stubborn and easily annoyed.

    • jgrassler
      over 6 years ago by jgrassler | Reply

      Ok, https://github.com/jgrassler/odpdown-tools has the first batch of Makefiles now (turns out that multiple Makefiles solve a whole lot of problems somewhat elegantly), these turn LibreOffice Draw drawings into a series of PNG files, one for each page. More to come tomorrow...

    • jgrassler
      over 6 years ago by jgrassler | Reply

      ...and now these Makefiles are finally at a point where they build various presentations representing various corner cases. You will find the result of all that tinkering in the odpdown-tools package in

      https://build.opensuse.org/project/show/home: jgrassler: branches: Publishing

      It's not merged or even submitted anywhere, yet. I'll figure that out next (it's a bit complicated since I'll need to get python-lpod into devel:languages:python and Factory first before this will build in Publishing (or maybe I can get the Publishing maintainers to include python-lpod (which is ontopic after all - it's a library for manipulating LibreOffice documents). We'll see.

      For now I simply turned on the publish flag for my branch project, so feel free to play with odpdown-tools :-)

      It works for most of the corner cases I could come up with (presentations with SVG, Dia and Draw images or no images at all) and is quite usable, all in all.

    • jgrassler
      over 6 years ago by jgrassler | Reply

      tl;dr: all packages exist in home: jgrassler: branches: publishing. Please install from there for now (I'll see about submitting them to devel projects/Factory some time this week).

    • jgrassler
      over 5 years ago by jgrassler | Reply

      I did a little more tinkering with the packages on Friday and they made it into the Publishing project now. There is a catch though: the packages are Python 2 only so far. Either in the next Hack week or maybe in between (depending on how much effort it turns out to be...) I'll see about patching upstream so it becomes Python 3 ready...

    • jgrassler
      about 5 years ago by jgrassler | Reply

      Resurrecting this one: I didn't get to the Python 3 conversion last hackweek. I plan to tackle that this hackweek.

    • jgrassler
      almost 5 years ago by jgrassler | Reply

      This one is a tough nut...and definitely not finished just yet...

      The good news: I've got a bunch of patches for odpdown and python-lpod that make both work on Python 3 to the point where odpdown no longer crashes upon compiling a presentation. You'll find the patched packages here:


      The bad news: the result of compilation is an empty file. I'm beyond the point where I still have a chance of finding the problem (dealing with the myriad hilarious ways Python 3 can stumble upon file, stream and string encoding does that to you), but I'll pick this up again in the next hackweek at the very latest...

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