Finish Making a grub-ipxe package for opensuse like Ubuntu has

a project by blarson

In ubuntu, you can install grub-ipxe, which adds an ipxe entry to the grub menu. This allows you to easily pxe boot on machines that may not natively support it. You can also use it along with grub2-reboot to remotely re-image a machine. The project has been started here: It needs to be tested, and polished before trying to include it into opensuse.

Updated over 5 years ago. 2 hacker ♥️.

JUnit SLEnkins Test for Firefox

a project by cgrobertson

Create a JUnit test suite for Firefox browser and integrate the tests into SLEnkins.

Updated over 5 years ago. 2 hacker ♥️.

go verdura, Particularly important are the CI vitamins

a project by dmaiocchi

Updated over 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

Linux driver for the AverMedia LGP Lite (GL310)

a project by patrikjakobsson

The AverMedia LGP Lite (GL310) is a cheap HDMI (with pass-through) to USB 2.0 capture card. The card only supports compressed output (afaik) which makes it slightly less useful but still very valuable when debugging graphical issues. The plan is to hook a few of these up to my test machines so I can stream the output to my workstation and integrate with the rest of my test setup. So far I've discovered that the card needs to be loaded with two firmwares. One for audio and one for video. Hopefully this will turn into a standard UVC device once the initial bootstrap is done fingers crossed. Specifications (From AverMedia webside):

Updated over 7 years ago. No love. 1 follower.

Add more unit tests for libvirt

a project by jfehlig

I wanted to work on something test related this hackweek since we always need more automated testing of our virtualization-related packages. There are many possible test-related topics, but I think a good addition would be more unit tests that are run during build time, e.g. during 'make check'. Additional tests of this nature would then be run by upstream developers and the various distro CI setups, exposing the tests to more environments than would typically be available within SUSE. To this end, I'm planning to add unit tests to libvirt.git that test conversion of domain XML to structures used by Xen's libxl interface. The first attempt at such tests was nearly 3 years ago

Updated over 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

Make most of KVM Virtualization for Development and Testing in laptop environment

a project by bfrogers

Having worked on KVM for a long time, it's time I actually start using it myself! I now have a high enough powered laptop to have a permanent setup on my laptop to do almost all the testing needed for releases, as well as maintaining playgrounds for upstream work and involvement. This will include nested virtualization, which is getting pretty bulletproof in latest kernels, as well as being able to play more with these other architectures that we now support KVM on, via improved TCG emulation (of course some testing and development will always rely on the physical hardware, but still a lot can be done via TCG incl. user-linux mode. I'm also seeing which aspects of pass-through testing will make the most sense to perform on the laptop (pci, usb, video, filesystem, etc.). Hopefully at the end of the week I will have gotten a better feel for all aspects of KVM as a "power user', and not just as a developer.

Updated over 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

Convert the openATTIC project web site from Typo3 to Nikola (static content generator)

a project by LenzGr


Updated over 2 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

Automate the workreport email with python

an invention by ktsamis

In the spirit of learning more python and practicing I will be creating a script to automate the work report emails that we send every week. This will not be a simple cron job because I have to catch corner cases of vacation etc. The next step is filling the workreport automatically by using the various API's that we can use (Bugzilla, osc qam plugin). The purpose is mainly to learn a bit more python.

Updated over 4 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

Extend the git-fixes framework to find non-upstream maintainers for files and patches

a project by joro

From the kernel-source git repository for SUSE kernels we can extract the people who backported a patch and the files a patch touches. Use this information to build a database for which paths are touched by which developers and write a tool to find the most relevant people for a given source path or upstream patch.

Updated over 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

30 years of game development in 5 days

an invention by thutterer

You know Tetris, right? You know Telegram, don't you?

Updated over 2 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

Wolffish Hacking

a project by k_mroz

More work on Wolffish prototype here Looking into what a diagnostics view might be (minion stats, ping, etc).

Updated over 7 years ago. No love.

Square Foot Garden planner

a project by alexharford is a form of intensive gardening that packs plants closely together. It depends on companion planting to encourage growth and protection for pests. The garden-planner project will help people generate a layout for their gardens.

Updated over 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

Add VirtualBox bootloader to openQA

an invention by michalnowak

In openQA we support various backends which are able to 'host' tests. 'svirt' - one of those backends - is so generic that it allows to conned to a virtualization host via SSH a perform shell commands directly. As VirtualBox has decent command line interface (especially VBoxManage command) it shouldn't be that hard to support VirtualBox in openQA's os-autoinst via svirt backend.

Updated over 2 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

build openSUSE Factory with PIE

a project by msmeissn

We have an ongoing project where we want to build openSUSE Factory with PIE support for all packages. This is done using a "gcc-PIE" preinstalled package, which changes the compiler default to PIE on.

Updated over 5 years ago. 2 hacker ♥️.

Figuring how to get Let's Encrypt setup on NAS without HTTP challenge

an invention by fcrozat

By default, let's encrypt allows to get domain for server where you resolve an HTTP challenge. This is sometime not possible to setup (because the server you want your SSL certificate isn't running a HTTP server). Such example is my Synology NAS, where I don't want to have a Internet facing HTTP server, just to get a SSL certificate.

Updated over 7 years ago. No love.

Finish my family openSUSE adoption

a project by ancorgs

In a quite natural and steady way, all my relatives (wife, kids, mother, aunt...) have adopted openSUSE in their computers. There is only one resistance spot. My father's computer (HP+Windows8) implements all kind of mechanisms to avoid dual boot. I plan to use the spare cycles of my Hack Week to get a dual Windows/openSUSE system on that haunted computer. Killing Windows would be a feasible last resort.

Updated over 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

Limesurvey adventure

a project by nmoudra

Getting familiar with Limesurvey opensource project. Manipulating with templates via CSS and Java script and understandin the logic behind the survey management system. Finding all possibilities which might be usable in our company as internal survey tool or as a tool for openSUSE board voting etc.

Updated over 7 years ago. No love.

Make git-sort faster

a project by benjamin_poirier

git-sort is a a tool that reads a list of git commits and sorts them so that the partial ordering of parent-child relationships is respected. It performs this as a stable sort; it preserves the input order of commits that are on parallel development branches. This tool is useful when backporting a large number of commits so that the commits may be cherry-picked in an order such that no child commit appears before any of its ancestors. The current implementation of git-sort is a proof of concept that uses git merge-base --is-ancestor. Having a more efficient version would ease the handling of large input lists.

Updated over 5 years ago. 2 hacker ♥️.

HA Storage in the market: M$ + Proxmox

a project by zzhou

Microsoft released Windows Server 2016 at October, 2016. In the data center edition, it released Storage Spaces Direct features for SDS/HCI market. What are those new features looks like? Proxmox a open-source company based in Vienna, which provides a linux cluster stack for kvm/lxc environment. What HA Storage related new ideas inside?

Updated over 5 years ago. 2 hacker ♥️.

UNIX domain socket support for Mojolicious

an invention by kraih

The Mojolicious web development toolkit is currently limited to using TCP/IP sockets for its HTTP/WebSocket client and server. For most web services that's more than enough, but for containerized applications and IPC, UNIX domain sockets could provide significantly better performance and security. Use cases would be for example faster communication between Mojolicious application servers and NGINX reverse proxies, or a WebSocket alternative to the D-BUS message bus currently being used by openQA.

Updated over 3 years ago. No love.

Web spider

a project by shukui

Using python's lib requests to write a small(PoC) Web spider.

Updated over 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

Generate CVRF

an invention by msmeissn

CVRF is a standard where security advisories are encoded in a XML format. We are currently not generating such a format, but it seems to be getting more attention.

Updated about 7 years ago. No love.

Package Mod DUO pedalboard software for openSUSE

a project by dmacvicar

the MOD Duo is a guitar/instrument pedalboard made by the company Mod Devices, which has the following features: MOD Duo

Updated over 2 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️.

Automated watering project

a project by mosquetero

PROBLEM I would like to start growing crops but during summer it gets too hot and sometimes I need to water several times a day. Besides, water is a scarce resource which should be used only when required. Therefore, I would like to have a system that water the plants for me.

Updated over 7 years ago. No love.

Jessy: it is like Alexa, but closer to you

a project by bmaryniuk

Alexa understands you. Jessy is the same, but you also understand her! :-)

Everyone loves to talk to the computer. Especially if it understands you. :-) So the Amazon Alexa is a hype right now. However, it requires your marriage to Amazon and signing contract to sell your soul in the afterlife: Alexa is nothing but a fancy microphone that sends everything you speak to ̶F̶B̶I̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶C̶I̶A̶ Amazon cloud so it will access your public API. Yes, and give them your access rights, of course...

Updated over 2 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️.

i3 timer

a project by dwaas

This project was to get familiar with shared memory concepts and boost libraries. The excuse was to create a timer visible in the i3 status bar. INFO

Updated over 7 years ago. No love.

Take care of my Debian packages

an invention by vcuadradojuan

Take time this week to take care of the packages I maintain at Debian; open bugs, fix bugs, new upstream versions, enable testsuites in autopkgtest.

Updated about 5 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️.

Retro game: Space Trash Roundup

a project by wstephenson

I like writing little retro games for my kids but these are rarely 'finished'. So I set myself the project of writing a full game in a week, using Lua and targetting the Pico-8 virtual console: HTML5 online playable version:

Updated over 3 years ago. No love.

Improve the Firebird Emu Experience on android

a project by favogt

Firebird Emu is a third-party multi-platform emulator of the ARM-based TI-Nspire™ calculators. Currently it does not run that well on Android and iOS, which I want to change during this hackweek.

Updated over 2 years ago. No love.

Ceph Radosgw Client in Android File Manager

a project by alexlau

Ceph is very robust for keeping data, beside using cephfs or exporting rbd. It is not too easy to access object directly with a client, let alone mobile. By using Rados gateway, android client can easily using S3/Swift http/s request to read object data from the internet. It is a simple idea to use an existing open source android FileManager e.g.

Updated about 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

saltify dotfiles, workstation, laptop, Desktop Environment and beyond (NAS, router, media center, Kodi, if time allows)

a project by vcuadradojuan

See . The idea is to apply the Puppet code pattern to create salt config files to

Updated over 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

orca: build OCI images from Dockerfiles

a project by cyphar

Currently the main complaint people have about OCI tooling is the lack of a transition from Docker to OCI. With umoci you have a lot of low-level image configuration abilities, and skopeo and runC cover the other major parts of the picture, but you need something to tie them together. I'm not going to be implementing YAWAR (Yet Another Wrapper Around Runc). It's just going to be a single script that can take a Dockerfile and create an OCI image that is basically the same as the Docker image you would get -- with the big difference being that you didn't need Docker and everything used the OCI. The other cool benefit of this is that you could build images without privileges (since rootless containers now exist in runC and in umoci).

Updated about 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.