
Currently, the openATTIC project web site is hosted on a Typo3 CMS, which is somewhat cumbersome to use and pretty much overkill for a small project web site like ours. It also raises the bar for making improvements to the web site, as it requires a login account.

Instead, we'd like to migrate and update the content to a static web site. Using a static web site has several benefits (e.g. fewer resource needed, more secure) and it allows participation and contributions using tools familiar to a developer (e.g. a text editor and revision control)

What needs to be done?

As we're already using Nikola for the openATTIC blog, we've decided to stick to using Nikola for the rest of the web site as well (to minimize the amount of tools and to have a single build process).

The basic structure and content of the web site has already been created and is available from a dedicated website branch in the openatticblog git repository on BitBucket.

The key remaining work is making the web site more visually appealing and polishing the content. The web site uses a theme based on Bootstrap. Once the content and layout have been finished, we'll replace the current live instance with the static site.

The current state of development can be previewed here: http://openatticblog.netlify.com/


Looking for hackers with the skills:

web bootstrap css python nikola

This project is part of:

Hack Week 15


  • about 8 years ago: hennevogel liked this project.
  • about 8 years ago: LenzGr added keyword "bootstrap" to this project.
  • about 8 years ago: LenzGr added keyword "css" to this project.
  • about 8 years ago: LenzGr added keyword "python" to this project.
  • about 8 years ago: LenzGr added keyword "nikola" to this project.
  • about 8 years ago: LenzGr added keyword "web" to this project.
  • about 8 years ago: LenzGr started this project.
  • about 8 years ago: LenzGr originated this project.

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    Join the Gitter channel! https://gitter.im/uyuni-project/hackweek

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    The idea is testing Salt and Salt-ssh clients, but NOT traditional clients, which are deprecated.

    To consider that a distribution has basic support, we should cover at least (points 3-6 are to be tested for both salt minions and salt ssh minions):

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    2. Onboarding (salt minion from UI, salt minion from bootstrap scritp, and salt-ssh minion) (this will probably require adding OS to the bootstrap repository creator)
    3. Package management (install, remove, update...)
    4. Patching
    5. Applying any basic salt state (including a formula)
    6. Salt remote commands
    7. Bonus point: Java part for product identification, and monitoring enablement
    8. Bonus point: sumaform enablement (https://github.com/uyuni-project/sumaform)
    9. Bonus point: Documentation (https://github.com/uyuni-project/uyuni-docs)
    10. Bonus point: testsuite enablement (https://github.com/uyuni-project/uyuni/tree/master/testsuite)

    If something is breaking: we can try to fix it, but the main idea is research how supported it is right now. Beyond that it's up to each project member how much to hack :-)

    • If you don't have knowledge about some of the steps: ask the team
    • If you still don't know what to do: switch to another distribution and keep testing.

    This card is for EVERYONE, not just developers. Seriously! We had people from other teams helping that were not developers, and added support for Debian and new SUSE Linux Enterprise and openSUSE Leap versions :-)



    FUSS is a complete GNU/Linux solution (server, client and desktop/standalone) based on Debian for managing an educational network.


    Seems to be a Debian 12 derivative, so adding it could be quite easy.

    • [W] Reposync (this will require using spacewalk-common-channels and adding channels to the .ini file)
    • [W] Onboarding (salt minion from UI, salt minion from bootstrap script, and salt-ssh minion) (this will probably require adding OS to the bootstrap repository creator) --> Working for all 3 options (salt minion UI, salt minion bootstrap script and salt-ssh minion from the UI).
    • [W] Package management (install, remove, update...) --> Installing a new package works, needs to test the rest.
    • [I] Patching (if patch information is available, could require writing some code to parse it, but IIRC we have support for Ubuntu already). No patches detected. Do we support patches for Debian at all?
    • [W] Applying any basic salt state (including a formula)
    • [W] Salt remote commands
    • [ ] Bonus point: Java part for product identification, and monitoring enablement