Getting familiar with Limesurvey opensource project. Manipulating with templates via CSS and Java script and understandin the logic behind the survey management system. Finding all possibilities which might be usable in our company as internal survey tool or as a tool for openSUSE board voting etc.
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Hack Week 15
about 8 years ago by nmoudra | Reply
One of the live projects done within limesurvey installation is to be seen here: It is outside our network or infrastructure, but this one is going to be really live and working within next two weeks. It is installed and managed by myself at one of our official servers.
about 8 years ago by nmoudra | Reply
I have learned quite a lot about using this software and its complexity. I have managed to tweak the templates using CSS and JS and understand the background pretty well. This tool allows really wide range of options to use and is fully modulable. Unfortunately the live demo is not working anymore as another person is trying to implement another survey system there.
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