over 2 years
3 hacker ♥️.
the MOD Duo is a guitar/instrument pedalboard made by the company Mod Devices, which has the following features:
- Open-source firmware based on Linux, Jack, LV2 standard.
- Web client served by the pedalboard itself via WIFI or Bluetooth
- Two independent inputs and outputs. Supports any signal chain in between.
- Ability to create or build your own effects.
This project is about building the software components on openSUSE, with the following goals:
- Learn how it works
- Contribute to it
- Evaluate it before buying the hardware
- Experiment: eg. make a simpler pedalboard with a RaspberryPi and a DAC.
- mod-host and mod-ui built here.
mod-ui running on openSUSE:
How to run it
sudo zypper ar obs://home:dmacvicar:mod/openSUSE_Tumbleweed modduo
# install qjackctl and friends
sudo zypper in a2jmidid qjackctl jack
# install mod duo software
sudo sudo zypper in mod-host mod-ui
# install some effects
sudo sudo zypper in lv2-calf lv2-guitarix
Now, configure QJacjCtl to start mod-host at startup of jack:
Go to Setup -> Options
[X] Execute Script after Startup: [ a2jmidid -e & mod-host ]
[X] Execute Script on Shutdown: [ killall a2jmidid mod-host ]
Edit the mod-ui port:
sudo vi /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mod/settings.py
Change the port to a non-root port:
Start jack with QJackCtl Now start mod-ui:
Go to http://localhost:$port
in your browser.
This project is part of:
Hack Week 15
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