Golang: Hack on DroneCIan idea by tboerger I want to spend some time on hacking missing features of the awesome CI tool Drone. It's written in Golang and is built around docker. |
openSUSE with Linaro 96 boarda project by bamvor 96 boards are the series open source boards with same size and interface launched by linaro. There are two arm 64bit boards and one sensor kit in my hand. |
Document Liberation Project's libraries' bug fixinga project by fstrba This hackweek, i will try to clear some bugs reported against DLP libraries as libvisio, libcdr or libfreehand. I did not have time to work on them since the last hackweek and I hope to add some new features and silence the most annoying bug reports. |
Task manager in Elixir/Erlanga project by vmoravec Elixir is a Ruby-ish dialect of Erlang with meta-programming capabilities, this is my first project using it: pedro . The idea is to create a task manager that would organize tasks (jobs) and manage them in projects. It will be running locally, remotely or both in multi-node setup, will provide CLI, have web UI relying on http and websockets. |
Weblate for l10n.opensuse.orga project by matejcik This hackweek, we will be hacking on Weblate and adding features that we need to use it as a translation tool for openSUSE! |
learn puppeta project by eMBee and find out how it compares to salt |
Simple Gnome 3 extension for wicked in JS/CSa project by thehejik I want to learn JavaScript or CoffeeScript and how to write Gnome 3 extensions. I think that the right task for learning JS/CS could be work on extension for our wicked network manager because I miss some NetworkManager style plugin. |
Full multipath support for qemuan idea by hreinecke I've already posted basic multipath support for qemu last week. |
I/O error injection with qemuan idea by hreinecke Having implemented basic multipath support for qemu (posted on the qemu mailing list last week), I thought it should be possible to implement I/O error injection in qemu. |
VNC: Ability to share and reconnect sessionsa project by michalsrb The goal is to jump forward with this fate: https://fate.suse.com/319319 |
Qt based chinese learning programa project by mvetter The IdeaSince some time I am interested in getting better at C++ and learn more about Qt framework. Since I learn best with having a project/goal I came up with this: |
Dive into Linux Kernel Memory managementan idea by herbert0890 When I worked on some bugs about Linux Kernel Memory management, I met zone, frame, slab allocator, buddy allocator, and etc. I want to summarize these memory management knowledge and dive deep into it. Hope I could finish some kernel modules to verify these theories. |
Functional comparison analysis between OCFS2 and GFS2a project by ZRen Gang(ghe@suse.com) and Eric(zren@suse.com) will do a functional comparison analysis between OCFS2 and GFS2 during this hack week. we will try to setup a GFS2 cluster environment, compare the features and performance with OCFS2, |
Deploy openQA and review the test scriptsa project by XJin For our daily work, usually we need to check running result from openQA as a good reference for the quality of a specific build. I'd like to take this chance to make openQA deployed and try to review the test scripts. |
Interactive Documentation Web Page Scrappera project by cxiong Based on the little-used HTML5 outline spec, investigate&implement an in-browser tool (currently a chrome extension or browser user script) to easily, interactively scrap a documentation web page into an 'index-content' map for (offline) searching. |
Familiar with SUSE new released products (SUSE Cloud/Storage/Docker)a project by wanghaisu I want to use this week to familiar with the SUSE products that i don't have time/chance to participate. For instance, SUSE Cloud, SUSE storage, Docker etc... Just like the presentations in SUSEcon 2015 closing keynote. |
get a CNC Gcode generator to work on openSUSEa project by bmwiedemann My hobby project is about using Lego mindstorms to turn a lathe / turning machine into a CNC. |
Native Xen support for RADOS Block devicesa project by jfehlig libvirt+Xen should support the qdisk (qemu) rbd backend, providing native access to block devices hosted on Ceph clusters. Adding this support to the libvirt+Xen toolstack will also improve interoperability with SUSE Enterprise Storage. |
Learn Haskell by creating an interpreteran idea by chnyda The aim of the project is to create a stupid interpreter to evaluate arithmetic expressions and functions. I have been reading a lot about Haskell and creating a stupid interpreter is a nice way to get started. |
Turbulent Molecular Dynamics Simulations in Ca project by dwaas During hack week I will carry on the research I started to write my thesis. The work is called "Turbulence Driven Clustering in Nematic Active Particles" and will (hopefully) make it into a Physical Review Letters paper. |
Learn SES (SUSE Enterprise Storage)an idea by rmilasan Will like to get into SES a bit, learn how to install and do small tasks. Possibly a bit of troubleshooting/debugging also. |
httpd learninga project by pgajdos I intend to learn little bit around apache httpd, get acquainted with some native modules as well as look at apache2-debugging-modules package. |
Multimedia insane migrationa project by scarabeus_iv Packman reduction |
Portus: build Docker images from Dockerfilea project by flavio_castelli Minimal objectiveThis is what we consider is the minimum result we can achieve at the end of the hackweek. |
Exporting ansible experience to Saltan idea by dgutu Because of past experience with ansible as a tool to orchestrate the code deployment on multiple platforms consider important to get most from Salt as |
learn to use dockeran idea by BinLiu I hope to learn to use docker |
Build a simple mindmap application in Smalltalk with Pharo and Roassala project by Andyorange Smalltalk is an object-oriented, dynamically typed, reflective programming language and Pharo is a modern, open-source, |
Use python "textgrocery" class to classify the webpage informatona project by jerrytang Use python "textgrocery" class to classify the webpage informaton . It's very interest to analyze the "focus" of a webpage . |
kindle highlights management toolan idea by qkzhu This is my Python Learning-by-doing project. |
package Ubuntu Touch SDK package and prepare Hello World! applicationan idea by sleep_walker openSUSE still lacks Ubuntu SDK for development of applications for Ubuntu Touch platform. I'd like to create package and write some application for my phone. |
Play with ARM boarda project by nadvornik Since my Orange Pi board just arrived, I will play with it. |
yakuake sessions save and restore by perlan idea by mitiao I am using yakuake terminal with many openning tabs for my daily works, and yakuake doesn't provide the feature to save and restore the sessions. What I want to do is to write a perl snippet to save and restore all info of yakuake including: |
The Elder Geckoa project by jtzhao SummaryEver dreamed of being a hero to save the world? Play "The Elder Gecko", an epic fantasy RPG masterpiece! |
Review scripts in openQA projecta project by yosun To say it's a review, it's better to say it's a good way to learn from others. I'll review test scripts in openQA project as much as I can, digest them and learn how to write Perl script more pretty. I'll make some notes for sharing. |
Research on COLO - the HA solution for virtualizationa project by gqjiang COLO or Coarse Grain Lock Stepping is an High Availability solution that builds on top of Remus, |
Docker researcha project by fanyadan It's just my learning project about Docker, I will research and learn how to deploy and configure Docker and Docker cluster, and also I will try to learn everything related about Docker. |
A new feature for Gnome-Logsa project by JonathanKang Since I'm a maintainer of Gnome-Logs, I'd like to hack on Gnome-Logs. During the hack week I'll focus on the bug 753471 of Logs. |
Learn SLEnkinsa project by tian-feng I'm interesting in SLEnkins project and I want to learn it a bit. I will try it and know how it works and how to use it. |
QAM stuff in Tumbleweeda project by pluskalm We are using various tools, many of them are not yet in Tumbleweed (such as rst2html5, git-pimp and so on), aim of this project is to get them there. |
learn solr and integrate it with mongodban idea by zxdvd I am trying to write a simple stackoverflow fork and I use mongodb. |
Deploy personal cloud with suse cloud product.a project by xlai It is fabulous to get machines from cloud for automation testing, and there are lots of things to learn in cloud. So I will start the cloud journey in this hackweek, to learn suse cloud architecture, various technologies inside cloud, and try to deploy one. |
Performance Log Analysis Toolan idea by lzwang Performance log including data, we need a statistic way to do the analysis too automatically tell what the results reflect. |
Assembly Diff Tool for kGrafta project by joro This is about writing a tool to find differences in assembly files generated by gcc. The goal is to find the symbols in a program that have changed by a source code patch. This information can then be used to create and/or verify kGraft patches. |
Try to understand and use Lilypond format to generate musical scoresan idea by sndirsch See title |
Ceph RBD backed USB mass storage gadgeta project by dmdiss Create a USB device that, when configured and connected, exposes one or more Ceph RBD images for use as USB storage, allowing for: |
Jangouts development workshopa project by ancorgs We are right now testing a patch to Janus that will hopefully give us the stability we were missing in http://jangouts.suse.de. As a consequence, it's reasonable to expect a wider usage of Jangouts inside the company. Thus, I want to share maintainership of Jangouts as much as possible. The more developers know how to fix errors and implement features, the better. |