Scout a replacement for MTUI

a project by rneuhauser

[MTUI][MTUI] is a tool used by QA-Maintenance in testing maintenance updates. Saddled with a host of questionable choices for its interfaces and implementation, it includes a number of difficult-to-fix bugs and hostility toward change. While not the first choice for me, the time's come to scout out a different approach. Welcome SMRT. SMRT will be an alternative to MTUI, and will eventually supercede it.

Updated over 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

Turn a young person's life into misery

a project by rneuhauser

While programming is occasionally a very rewarding activity, it's mostly a chore and the rest is filled with frustration. Let's teach an unsuspecting youngster program! To fulfill this nefarious goal I've set out to help my colleague without prior programming experience get hooked on programming, starting with python. The student finished an online tutorial and we pair programmed a tiny-fix-turned-massive-change in a tool used by our team.

Updated over 5 years ago. 2 hacker ♥️.

Teach RuboCop to Resocialize Zombies

a project by mvidner

or: Static Analysis of nil Values in Ruby Code used in YaST. YaST is written in Ruby. A large part of the code is Ruby that was

Updated over 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

Github Projects Gnome Shell Extension

a project by hfschmidt

Checking the status of your Github pull requests is annoying. You have to lose focus from your current work (ie. hacking) and open your browser, type the repo URL in the address bar, click on the Pull Requests page, and look at the status of your PR. This extension makes that process a breeze! By clicking on the Octocat in the status area, you'll have direct access to your favorite repos, and an overview of their PRs' build statuses. Clicking on a certain PR will take you directly to that PR's page.

Updated over 5 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️.

update+fix samsung exynos/arndale arm board boot

a project by bmwiedemann

We had old arndale images working, but those were based on openSUSE-12.x which is now long obsolete and bad (e.g. missing security updates). Thus we want to use a more modern u-boot and kernel, but those currently trigger a kernel panic.

Updated over 7 years ago. No love.

Make Intel baytrail based device(s) work better with openSUSE

a project by mkubecek

Recently I became a (not very proud) owner of Acer Aspire Switch 10E, a small notebook/tablet convertible based on Intel baytrail platform. Replacing preinstalled (32-bit!) Windows 8.1 with (64-bit) openSUSE proved more challenging than expected, mostly because the device is haunted by a 32-bit UEFI so that it took me a week to make it boot without an external USB flash disk. Even today, a lot of issues persist. As I do not want to waste a (partially) good hardware, I would like to make it as usable as possible. This is much less selfish than it sounds as there are many other devices based on Intel baytrail platform so that the effort is going to help their owners as well (if successful, that is).

Updated over 5 years ago. 5 hacker ♥️.

Add branding to DAPS and the suse-xsl-stylesheets

a project by fsundermeyer

DAPS is the tool used by the SUSE documentation team to generate HTML, ePUB, PDF, ... output of the SUSE manuals from DocBook XML sources. It uses the suse-xsl-stylesheets for this purpose. Currently three different suse-xsl-stylesheet brands exist: SUSE, DAPS, openSUSE. Branding is done by adjusting the xsl-stylesheets directly. It would be desirable to be able to easily change the branding, e.g. via a simple config file in the style of /etc/sysconfig files, since most people cannot hack XSLT. This is also the number one enhancement request we get from DAPS users outside of SUSE.

Updated over 2 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️.

Reading SLES Virtualization Guide and Making Use of It

a project by keichwa

The idea is to learn a little bit more about virtualization.

Updated over 7 years ago. No love.

Inspection of Disks in Machinery

a project by tgoettlicher

Machinery [1] supports the inspection of os, packages, patterns, repositories, users, groups, services, config-files, changed-managed-files, unmanaged-files. The inspection of disks it's covered yet. The goal of this project is to fill this gap by using libstorage.

Updated over 5 years ago. 1 hackers ♥️.

Learn how to setup Intel AMT on my WS and X201

a project by mlin7442

Intel Active Management Technology (AMT) is hardware and firmware technology for remote out-of-band management of personal computers, this hackweek I'd like to spend some time to learn how to setup Intel AMT on my workstation and X201 with VNC enabled.

Updated over 5 years ago. 2 hacker ♥️.