finish the ioq3 arm VMan invention by lnussel I need to finish my work from the last hackweek |
Bootstrap UI for Weblatean invention by mcihar Implement better UI for Weblate using Twitter Bootstrap library. |
Twopencean invention by e_bischoff Twopence is (will be) a remote execution engine for tests, able to run tests in virtual machines and real hardware through various means of communication : virtio for KVM / QEmu, ssh on top of libssh, serial lines. This library can be called from shell and ruby wrappers. |
Reimplementation of "quilt setup"an invention by jdelvare I would like to change the way "quilt setup" is implemented. |
HTML5 testdrive for SUSE Studioan invention by JKrupa2 There are more and more devices with no Adobe Flash plugin support in web browser (new Android and Apple phones and tables, etc.). The aim of this project is to replace Flash testdrive in SUSE Studio with HTML5 client. |
Upstream OpenStack Hackingan invention by a_jaeger Improve some OpenStack projects and contribute patches to them. |
Support for automatically building kernels with user-influenced configurationan invention by vbabka Sometimes a user might want to build her own kernel instead of using the provided binary, for various reasons. This means creating own .config and maintaining it through kernel version bumps, which often results in running "make oldconfig" and mostly holding down the enter button to accept upstream defaults. |
Experiment with uselessd as a systemd replacement on openSUSE 13.1an invention by dsterba The base version for uselessd is systemd-208, which is the version used in 13.1. Let's try if a direct substitution of the binaries works and watch out for the problems. |
OpenSUSE support for OpenStack Trainingan invention by dguitarbite OpenSUSE support for OpenStack Training Labs |
Get SUSE VPN running on Android (was: get SUSE VPN running on sle12)an invention by sndirsch Figure out how to get SUSE VPN running on Android. |
Finish GCC match-and-simplify workan invention by rguenther In GCC we have multiple intermediate languages and for all of them we do manual pattern matching and replacement. The project uses a domain specific language to unify and simplify those pattern matching and replacing code. |
Modify the Line6 kernel driveran invention by mseidl81 I want to modify the driver so that it:
All documentation as program codean invention by jsmeix I like to try out if it is possible to write a program that does not have any kind of the traditionally separated documentation (like external files that contain the documentation texts or comments in the program code). Instead all documentation must be implemented as code at the same place where the matching functiomnality is implemented (i.e. each function implements also its documentation). In the end the user should get only the executable that he can run to let it do the intended functionality and also to provide any kind of documentation. What I do not want is a dumb '--help' option that lets the program spit out its built-in documentation. What I would like to have is that the user can run the executable in some kind of self-inspecting way. I mean: While it does the intended functionality, it can also provide documentation so that the user can explore the program while running it. In the end the user experience should be more like a text adventure ;-) |
Voxel exploration gamean invention by KGronlund The idea is to play around with a minecraft-like block exploration game, written from scratch in C using SDL2 and OpenGL 3.0. Minimal dependencies, probably won't be a game as such before the end of the week, but the goal is to have a world generated and to be able to walk around in it. Why? Mainly to refresh my 3D knowledge, catch up with what's happened since I last played with that stuff, and to have fun. :) |
Elastocloud back-end for Sambaan invention by dmdiss 1) Add support for the Microsoft Azure File Service REST protocol to Elastocloud, a cloud storage client library created in a previous Hackweek. |
Travis CI support for Yastan invention by lslezak Description |
openSUSE on QEMU/AArch64 + UEFIan invention by gary_lin The UEFI image for QEMU/AArch64 is available in the openSUSE build service now. However, there is no openSUSE image for that setup. This project is to make openSUSE run on QEMU/AArch64 + UEFI and this may be useful for the openQA in the future. |
Update osc collab to support upstream info for python packages from pypian invention by tbechtold Seems that there is currently no good way to check which python modules are outdated in devel:languages:python . AFAIU http://osc-collab.opensuse.org could learn howto handle information from pypi and set the attributes "UpstreamVersion" and "UpstreamTarballURL" for the packages. |
NIS and IPv6an invention by kukuk Look at the NIS RPC protocol, enable IPv6 where possible, document where not. Try to find out what Solaris is doing. |
Build python2 and python3 packages from single spec filean invention by tbechtold Currently python2 and python3 packages are completely independent. Would be imho good to build py2 and py3 versions from a single source (as Fedora, Debian & Ubuntu do already). There was already a mailing list post about this: http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-packaging/2014-09/msg00000.html |
SUSE Cloud familiarizationan invention by markkp Use my work supplied workstation to set up SUSE Cloud under KVM and deploy several instances of servers. |
yast2-fontsan invention by pgajdos
AuthStralia — (almost) stateless authorization ecosystem for a web agean invention by kpimenov AngularJS, Websockets, REST APIs for mobile apps, one-time links for emails — what’s the topmost complexity all those things share in common? |
Matasano crypto challenges in Rustan invention by vitezslav_cizek I want to learn Rust and improve my cryptography skills, so I'll be solving the matasano crypto challenges in Rust. |
Improve YaST Security Centeran invention by abergmann Adding additional features to the YaST "Security Center and Hardening" module. |
Enhance kdumpidan invention by ptesarik The kdumpid tool can be used to determine the kernel version from a crash dump. Some useful features are missing: |
Faster Raspberry Pi Builds for SUSE Studioan invention by bkutil IntroIn order to be able to throw pies faster and distribute them even to remote SUSE colonies, we need to build an advanced antimatter-fueled pie hyper-accelerator. |
Port (part of) digikam to KF5an invention by alarrosa KDE Frameworks 5 is already quite stable but most big applications have not been ported yet. My plan is to work on digikam (and its libraries, libkdcraw, libkipi, libkface, libkgeomap, kipi-plugins) to port them to use the latest KDE libraries version. |
Parallella: Epiphany packaging for openSUSEan invention by a_faerber The Parallella is an SBC with Xilinx Zynq SoC and 16-core Epiphany-III co-processor. |
Experiment with no-mmu Linux (STM32F429I-DISCO)an invention by a_faerber A broad range of ARMv7-A boards have been enabled in openSUSE already. I would like to complement my experiences by bringing up Linux on an ARMv7-M board, the STM32F429I discovery board, featuring a Cortex-M4 and 8 MB SDRAM. |