KDE Frameworks 5 is already quite stable but most big applications have not been ported yet. My plan is to work on digikam (and its libraries, libkdcraw, libkipi, libkface, libkgeomap, kipi-plugins) to port them to use the latest KDE libraries version.

To be more precise, I plan to work on the job framework and its thread support since ThreadWeaver's API has changed a lot and after talking with Caulier Gilles (digikam's main author) he was interested in that. This is part of libkdcraw, but if I finish early in the week, I'll continue with another of the libraries.

Also, this will allow to me to learn more about KF5's API and to test the packages already available in OBS.

Useful links:

Porting status

KF5 porting notes

KF5 porting scripts

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  • over 10 years ago: alarrosa started this project.
  • over 10 years ago: alarrosa originated this project.

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