Optimize packing of objects required for migration to new container
a project by vuntz
Moving objects to a new container is a problem everyone in R&D has faced at least once in his life. It requires a very advanced algorithm to pack the many different objects (which are generally heterogeneous, with different uses, types, weights and sizes), before the packs can then be transferred to the new container, generally through a dedicated bus. We can identify some usual cases:
openSUSE support for Crowbar
an idea by vuntz
Make openSUSE a first-class citizen in Crowbar, so that we can finally provide an image that can be used to deploy OpenStack on openSUSE with Crowbar.
Rewrite orchestration layer of Crowbar
an idea by vuntz
The current orchestration layer of Crowbar is unfortunately way too simple and needs some serious rework if we want to take Crowbar to the next step.
Brand new UI for deploying OpenStack in Crowbar
an idea by vuntz
Right now, Crowbar exposes a barclamp UI for each OpenStack component. This is not really optimal, imho.
Prepare Crowbar for the future!
a project by vuntz
There are a lot of issues in Crowbar due to the legacy of poor internals. This is blocking things quite a bit when it comes to improving Crowbar for adding new features. Let's fix it!
Become a CAD expert
a project by vuntz
A few months ago, I started thinking "it cannot be that hard to model my house using some CAD software". And of course I miserably failed.
Looking for projects around:
Nothing at the moment