about 4 years
7 hacker ♥️.
1 follower.
** UPDATE **
After a week of hard but passionate work we have managed to finish the first version of The SUSE Game with a surprising final!
You can find all information at:
- The web
- The youtube video
- The music
- Project's github
- Project's planning and the historic of day by day progress
The objective of this project is to create an addictive retro SUSE game.
Obviously the hero will be our loved mascot.
Self imposed restrictions:
- This has to run on most platforms (PC, mobile phones, tablets...)
- Using open source libraries (of course)
- Use creative commons images if they are not created by us.
- Use HTML / Javascript language
- We are using Phaser 3 as game engine
- Use git and trello
https://github.com/ilausuch/LB-hackweek-suse-2018 https://trello.com/b/s2vtQS9N/the-suse-game text text
Looking for hackers with the skills:
Nothing? Add some keywords!
This project is part of:
Hack Week 17
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