Project Description
With the desire for Rancher Manager to scale to managing 1000s of clusters (10,000 i hear you say) we could try and have 1 instance of Rancher Manager doing it all. But could we have a Manager of Managers? How could we support multi-tenancy where each Rancher Manager has different versions etc?
One project that could be interesting to realizing this vision is KCP. It’s taking the ideas of "virtual clusters" (and projects like vcluster) and looking at providing a more lightweight solution where you don't need a full virtual cluster within another cluster whilst still supporting multi-tenancy, hierarchical workspaces, cross workspace operators and various other features.
Goal for this Hackweek
The purpose of this project is to practically research the following:
- Is the KCP project usable (when I originally looked at 1 year ago it was very hard to grok and get working)
- Have KCP managing the workloads for multiple clusters (we can use k3d for this)
- (Stretch goal) Can we get Rancher Manager (or cluster agent) working against KCP
At the end of the week, we should know if KCP is a project that would be helpful to the future of Rancher Manager. And whether it's worth us getting involved with the project.
KCP could also be useful to Fleet, but this will be out of scope for hack week.
Looking for hackers with the skills:
This project is part of:
Hack Week 22
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Similar Projects
Integrate Backstage with Rancher Manager by nwmacd
Backstage ( is an open-source, CNCF project that allows you to create your own developer portal. There are many plugins for Backstage.
This could be a great compliment to Rancher Manager.
Learn and experiment with Backstage and look at how this could be integrated with Rancher Manager. Goal is to have some kind of integration completed in this Hack week.
Screen shot of home page at the end of Hackweek:
Day One
- Got Backstage running locally, understanding configuration with HTTPs.
- Got Backstage embedded in an IFRAME inside of Rancher
- Added content into the software catalog (see:
- Understood more about the entity model
Day Two
- Connected Backstage to the Rancher local cluster and configured the Kubernetes plugin.
- Created Rancher theme to make the light theme more consistent with Rancher
Days Three and Day Four
Created two backend plugins for Backstage:
- Catalog Entity Provider - this imports users from Rancher into Backstage
- Auth Provider - uses the proxied sign-in pattern to check the Rancher session cookie, to user that to authenticate the user with Rancher and then log them into Backstage by connecting this to the imported User entity from the catalog entity provider plugin.
With this in place, you can single-sign-on between Rancher and Backstage when it is deployed within Rancher. Note this is only when running locally for development at present
Day Five
- Start to build out a production deployment for all of the above
- Made some progress, but hit issues with the authentication and proxying when running proxied within Rancher, which needs further investigation
A CLI for Harvester by mohamed.belgaied
[comment]: # Harvester does not officially come with a CLI tool, the user is supposed to interact with Harvester mostly through the UI [comment]: # Though it is theoretically possible to use kubectl to interact with Harvester, the manipulation of Kubevirt YAML objects is absolutely not user friendly. [comment]: # Inspired by tools like multipass from Canonical to easily and rapidly create one of multiple VMs, I began the development of Harvester CLI. Currently, it works but Harvester CLI needs some love to be up-to-date with Harvester v1.0.2 and needs some bug fixes and improvements as well.
Project Description
Harvester CLI is a command line interface tool written in Go, designed to simplify interfacing with a Harvester cluster as a user. It is especially useful for testing purposes as you can easily and rapidly create VMs in Harvester by providing a simple command such as:
harvester vm create my-vm --count 5
to create 5 VMs named my-vm-01
to my-vm-05
Harvester CLI is functional but needs a number of improvements: up-to-date functionality with Harvester v1.0.2 (some minor issues right now), modifying the default behaviour to create an opensuse VM instead of an ubuntu VM, solve some bugs, etc.
Github Repo for Harvester CLI:
Done in previous Hackweeks
- Create a Github actions pipeline to automatically integrate Harvester CLI to Homebrew repositories: DONE
- Automatically package Harvester CLI for OpenSUSE / Redhat RPMs or DEBs: DONE
Goal for this Hackweek
The goal for this Hackweek is to bring Harvester CLI up-to-speed with latest Harvester versions (v1.3.X and v1.4.X), and improve the code quality as well as implement some simple features and bug fixes.
Some nice additions might be: * Improve handling of namespaced objects * Add features, such as network management or Load Balancer creation ? * Add more unit tests and, why not, e2e tests * Improve CI * Improve the overall code quality * Test the program and create issues for it
Issue list is here:
The project is written in Go, and using client-go
the Kubernetes Go Client libraries to communicate with the Harvester API (which is Kubernetes in fact).
Welcome contributions are:
- Testing it and creating issues
- Documentation
- Go code improvement
What you might learn
Harvester CLI might be interesting to you if you want to learn more about:
- GitHub Actions
- Harvester as a SUSE Product
- Go programming language
- Kubernetes API
Enabling Rancher as an OIDC Provider by rcabello
Kubernetes supports OpenID Connect (OIDC) natively as an authentication mechanism, enabling token-based user authentication. This can be configured through flags in the Kubernetes API server or by using AuthenticationConfiguration.
The purpose of this project is to enable Rancher to function as an OIDC provider, allowing Rancher's local cluster to act as an OIDC identity provider for downstream clusters. This setup will allow users to authenticate directly with downstream clusters without relying on Rancher’s proxy and impersonation mechanisms.
Rancher will continue to support all authentication providers. When a user attempts to log in via the Rancher OIDC provider, they will be redirected to the authentication provider configured in Rancher.
This approach also facilitates integration with third-party tools (e.g StackState)
- Implement Rancher as an OIDC provider using the ORY Fosite library, focusing only on the essential functionality required for basic integration.
- Enable downstream clusters to authenticate using JWT tokens issued by Rancher.
- Configure StackState to authenticate using Rancher as an OIDC provider.
Small healthcheck tool for Longhorn by mbrookhuis
Project Description
We have often problems (e.g. pods not starting) that are related to PVCs not running, cluster (nodes) not all up or deployments not running or completely running. This all prevents administration activities. Having something that can regular be run to validate the status of the cluster would be helpful, and not as of today do a lot of manual tasks.
As addition (read enough time), we could add changing reservation, adding new disks, etc. --> This didn't made it. But the scripts can easily be adopted.
This tool would decrease troubleshooting time, giving admins rights to the rancher GUI and could be used in automation.
Goal for this Hackweek
At the end we should have a small python tool that is doing a (very) basic health check on nodes, deployments and PVCs. First attempt was to make it in golang, but that was taking to much time.
This tool will run a simple healthcheck on a kubernetes cluster. It will perform the following actions:
node check: This will check all nodes, and display the status and the k3s version. If the status of the nodes is not "Ready" (this should be only reported), the cluster will be reported as having problems
deployment check: This check will list all deployments, and display the number of expected replicas and the used replica. If there are unused replicas this will be displayed. The cluster will be reported as having problems.
pvc check: This check will list of all pvc's, and display the status and the robustness. If the robustness is not "Healthy", the cluster will be reported as having problems.
If there is a problem registered in the checks, there will be a warning that the cluster is not healthy and the program will exit with 1.
The script has 1 mandatory parameter and that is the kubeconf of the cluster or of a node off the cluster.
The code is writen for Python 3.11, but will also work on 3.6 (the default with SLES15.x). There is a venv present that will contain all needed packages. Also, the script can be run on the cluster itself or any other linux server.
To install this project, perform the following steps:
- Create the directory /opt/k8s-check
mkdir /opt/k8s-check
- Copy all the file to this directory and make the following changes:
chmod +x
Cluster API Provider for Harvester by rcase
Project Description
The Cluster API "infrastructure provider" for Harvester, also named CAPHV, makes it possible to use Harvester with Cluster API. This enables people and organisations to create Kubernetes clusters running on VMs created by Harvester using a declarative spec.
The project has been bootstrapped in HackWeek 23, and its code is available here.
Work done in HackWeek 2023
- Have a early working version of the provider available on Rancher Sandbox : *DONE *
- Demonstrated the created cluster can be imported using Rancher Turtles: DONE
- Stretch goal - demonstrate using the new provider with CAPRKE2: DONE and the templates are available on the repo
Goals for HackWeek 2024
- Add support for ClusterClass
- Add e2e testing
- Add more Unit Tests
- Improve Status Conditions to reflect current state of Infrastructure
- Improve CI (some bugs for release creation)
- Testing with newer Harvester version (v1.3.X and v1.4.X)
- Due to the length and complexity of the templates, maybe package some of them as Helm Charts.
- Other improvement suggestions are welcome!
DONE in HackWeek 24:
- Add more Unit Tests
- Improve Status Conditions for some phases
- Add cloud provider config generation
- Testing with Harvester v1.3.2
- Template improvements
- Issues creation
Thanks to @isim and Dominic Giebert for their contributions!
Looking for help from anyone interested in Cluster API (CAPI) or who wants to learn more about Harvester.
This will be an infrastructure provider for Cluster API. Some background reading for the CAPI aspect:
- Cluster infrastructure provider contract
- Machine infrastructure provider contract
- Provider implementers guide
A CLI for Harvester by mohamed.belgaied
[comment]: # Harvester does not officially come with a CLI tool, the user is supposed to interact with Harvester mostly through the UI [comment]: # Though it is theoretically possible to use kubectl to interact with Harvester, the manipulation of Kubevirt YAML objects is absolutely not user friendly. [comment]: # Inspired by tools like multipass from Canonical to easily and rapidly create one of multiple VMs, I began the development of Harvester CLI. Currently, it works but Harvester CLI needs some love to be up-to-date with Harvester v1.0.2 and needs some bug fixes and improvements as well.
Project Description
Harvester CLI is a command line interface tool written in Go, designed to simplify interfacing with a Harvester cluster as a user. It is especially useful for testing purposes as you can easily and rapidly create VMs in Harvester by providing a simple command such as:
harvester vm create my-vm --count 5
to create 5 VMs named my-vm-01
to my-vm-05
Harvester CLI is functional but needs a number of improvements: up-to-date functionality with Harvester v1.0.2 (some minor issues right now), modifying the default behaviour to create an opensuse VM instead of an ubuntu VM, solve some bugs, etc.
Github Repo for Harvester CLI:
Done in previous Hackweeks
- Create a Github actions pipeline to automatically integrate Harvester CLI to Homebrew repositories: DONE
- Automatically package Harvester CLI for OpenSUSE / Redhat RPMs or DEBs: DONE
Goal for this Hackweek
The goal for this Hackweek is to bring Harvester CLI up-to-speed with latest Harvester versions (v1.3.X and v1.4.X), and improve the code quality as well as implement some simple features and bug fixes.
Some nice additions might be: * Improve handling of namespaced objects * Add features, such as network management or Load Balancer creation ? * Add more unit tests and, why not, e2e tests * Improve CI * Improve the overall code quality * Test the program and create issues for it
Issue list is here:
The project is written in Go, and using client-go
the Kubernetes Go Client libraries to communicate with the Harvester API (which is Kubernetes in fact).
Welcome contributions are:
- Testing it and creating issues
- Documentation
- Go code improvement
What you might learn
Harvester CLI might be interesting to you if you want to learn more about:
- GitHub Actions
- Harvester as a SUSE Product
- Go programming language
- Kubernetes API
SUSE AI Meets the Game Board by moio
Use’s open source TAG and PyTAG frameworks to apply Statistical Forward Planning and Deep Reinforcement Learning to two board games of our own design. On an all-green, all-open source, all-AWS stack!
Results: Infrastructure Achievements
We successfully built and automated a containerized stack to support our AI experiments. This included:
- a Fully-Automated, One-Command, GPU-accelerated Kubernetes setup: we created an OpenTofu based script, tofu-tag, to deploy SUSE's RKE2 Kubernetes running on CUDA-enabled nodes in AWS, powered by openSUSE with GPU drivers and gpu-operator
- Containerization of the TAG and PyTAG frameworks: TAG (Tabletop AI Games) and PyTAG were patched for seamless deployment in containerized environments. We automated the container image creation process with GitHub Actions. Our forks (PRs upstream upcoming):
and voilà - Kubernetes running PyTAG (k9s
, above) with GPU acceleration (nvtop
, below)
Results: Game Design Insights
Our project focused on modeling and analyzing two card games of our own design within the TAG framework:
- Game Modeling: We implemented models for Dario's "Bamboo" and Silvio's "Totoro" and "R3" games, enabling AI agents to play thousands of games minutes!
- AI-driven optimization: By analyzing statistical data on moves, strategies, and outcomes, we iteratively tweaked the game mechanics and rules to achieve better balance and player engagement.
- Advanced analytics: Leveraging AI agents with Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) and random action selection, we compared performance metrics to identify optimal strategies and uncover opportunities for game refinement .
- more about Bamboo on Dario's site
- more about R3 on Silvio's site (italian, translation coming)
- more about Totoro on Silvio's site
A family picture of our card games in progress. From the top: Bamboo, Totoro, R3
Results: Learning, Collaboration, and Innovation
Beyond technical accomplishments, the project showcased innovative approaches to coding, learning, and teamwork:
- "Trio programming" with AI assistance: Our "trio programming" approach—two developers and GitHub Copilot—was a standout success, especially in handling slightly-repetitive but not-quite-exactly-copypaste tasks. Java as a language tends to be verbose and we found it to be fitting particularly well.
- AI tools for reporting and documentation: We extensively used AI chatbots to streamline writing and reporting. (Including writing this report! ...but this note was added manually during edit!)
- GPU compute expertise: Overcoming challenges with CUDA drivers and cloud infrastructure deepened our understanding of GPU-accelerated workloads in the open-source ecosystem.
- Game design as a learning platform: By blending AI techniques with creative game design, we learned not only about AI strategies but also about making games fun, engaging, and balanced.
Last but not least we had a lot of fun! ...and this was definitely not a chatbot generated line!
The Context: AI + Board Games
Small healthcheck tool for Longhorn by mbrookhuis
Project Description
We have often problems (e.g. pods not starting) that are related to PVCs not running, cluster (nodes) not all up or deployments not running or completely running. This all prevents administration activities. Having something that can regular be run to validate the status of the cluster would be helpful, and not as of today do a lot of manual tasks.
As addition (read enough time), we could add changing reservation, adding new disks, etc. --> This didn't made it. But the scripts can easily be adopted.
This tool would decrease troubleshooting time, giving admins rights to the rancher GUI and could be used in automation.
Goal for this Hackweek
At the end we should have a small python tool that is doing a (very) basic health check on nodes, deployments and PVCs. First attempt was to make it in golang, but that was taking to much time.
This tool will run a simple healthcheck on a kubernetes cluster. It will perform the following actions:
node check: This will check all nodes, and display the status and the k3s version. If the status of the nodes is not "Ready" (this should be only reported), the cluster will be reported as having problems
deployment check: This check will list all deployments, and display the number of expected replicas and the used replica. If there are unused replicas this will be displayed. The cluster will be reported as having problems.
pvc check: This check will list of all pvc's, and display the status and the robustness. If the robustness is not "Healthy", the cluster will be reported as having problems.
If there is a problem registered in the checks, there will be a warning that the cluster is not healthy and the program will exit with 1.
The script has 1 mandatory parameter and that is the kubeconf of the cluster or of a node off the cluster.
The code is writen for Python 3.11, but will also work on 3.6 (the default with SLES15.x). There is a venv present that will contain all needed packages. Also, the script can be run on the cluster itself or any other linux server.
To install this project, perform the following steps:
- Create the directory /opt/k8s-check
mkdir /opt/k8s-check
- Copy all the file to this directory and make the following changes:
chmod +x
Setup Kanidm as OIDC provider on Kubernetes by jkuzilek
I am planning to upgrade my homelab Kubernetes cluster to the next level and need an OIDC provider for my services, including K8s itself.
- Successfully configure and deploy Kanidm on homelab cluster
- Integrate with K8s auth
- Integrate with other services (Envoy Gateway, Container Registry, future deployment of Forgejo?)
Harvester Packer Plugin by mrohrich
Hashicorp Packer is an automation tool that allows automatic customized VM image builds - assuming the user has a virtualization tool at their disposal. To make use of Harvester as such a virtualization tool a plugin for Packer needs to be written. With this plugin users could make use of their Harvester cluster to build customized VM images, something they likely want to do if they have a Harvester cluster.
Write a Packer plugin bridging the gap between Harvester and Packer. Users should be able to create customized VM images using Packer and Harvester with no need to utilize another virtualization platform.
Hashicorp documentation for building custom plugins for Packer
Source repository of the Harvester Packer plugin