Video presence system for distributed teams
a project by ancorgs
Those working remotely or managing a distributed team know it: face time is invaluable. The former openSUSE team has been using http://sqwiggle.com to keep in touch and Google hangout to hold a stand up meeting every morning.
Disk operations should not stale the system
an idea by pmladek
It happens from time to time that my system is less responsible. It is usually caused by extensive disk operations, e.g. searching disk for something, moving a lot of data. A solution would be to run these problematic tasks with ionice. But I think that desktop user should not need to take care of this. Also some of the operations are even caused by system tools and normal user has problems to affect it. I wonder if we could somehow improve the desktop setting or it it would even need some hacks into the scheduler.
Grub2: make it easy to select the default boot target
an idea by pmladek
"grub2-once" allows to print a numbered list of available targets using --list option. It allows to select the boot target using the number. It would be great to add this functionality to the "grub2-set-default" command as well.
Look at using the boost graph library as main container for devices in libstorage
a project by aschnell
Storing the devices in libstorage as a graph looks like a natural approach. The boost graph library (BGL) could be used here instead of the selfmade iterator over iterator (not a graph) concept currently used.
Support for automatically building kernels with user-influenced configuration
an invention by vbabka
Sometimes a user might want to build her own kernel instead of using the provided binary, for various reasons. This means creating own .config and maintaining it through kernel version bumps, which often results in running "make oldconfig" and mostly holding down the enter button to accept upstream defaults.
Bring up Linux on Allwinner A23
a project by rmax
Non-Android Linux can already be booted on several devices that are based on CPUs from Allwinner, such as the A10 and A13, but support for the newer A23 is still incomplete.
SUSE Music(ian) Space
a project by ralfflaxa
Once again, the SUSE band is coming together to make music and we're planning a party this time round!!!
Move QAM cloud from physical machines into virtual platform
a project by djz88
To add more flexibility, variability and increase testing capacity we would like to move QAM cloud nodes from physical machines(in NUE) into virtual environment.
A Python based C/C++ templating language
a project by metan
How many times have you created quick and dirty script to generate C tables, parameterized code, etc. ?
Work on KDE translation improvement
a project by vpelcak
I intend to work on translation of KDE to Czech language.
ipv6 pxe booting on grub2
a project by michael-chang
Learn the grub2 network stack and have fun with ipv6 network booting. :D
Faster Raspberry Pi Builds for SUSE Studio
an invention by bkutil
In order to be able to throw pies faster and distribute them even to remote SUSE colonies, we need to build an advanced antimatter-fueled pie hyper-accelerator.
Improve and unify spec changes formating and automation for Factory rules
an invention by scarabeus_iv
This project is mostly about automating spec file formatting to have all specs more look-alike, much better for review and there is no need to force people to write that way, just to format it afterwards is sufficient. Other task is to track changes in osc repo and adjust changelog accordingly.
package upstream test suite for 'bind'
an idea by hrommel1
Upstream (ISC) has a rich test suite for their name service daemon 'bind' (aka 'named'). It covers both different configurations as well as different topologies for DNS.
Tumbleweed as a Server OS?
a project by RBrownSUSE
My home server, and my other box hosting https://sysrich.co.uk are both in need of a bit of a refresh
Spec-cleaner finishing jobs
a project by scarabeus_iv
Cover more cornercases for spec-cleaner to allow the swap of formatspecfile due to its bugginess in comparsion.
Make disk encryption options configurable in YaST installer
a project by AndreasStieger
In the YaST installer, make disk encryption method, mode, key strength, random source etc configurable.
Get started with nftables on openSUSE
a project by abergmann
netfilter.org states that "nftables is the project that aims to replace the existing {ip,ip6,arp,eb}tables framework." The nftables kernel code was merged into the mainline kernel in January 2014. So it's time to get started with the new Linux firewall framework on openSUSE.
Test openQA in openQA with openQA using openQA for openQA
a project by RBrownSUSE
Occasionally, new versions of openQA break things. How do you stop that? MORE TESTING!
mount option helper for VFAT and other file systems
a project by sbrabec
While auto-mounting a VFAT volume in a desktop environment, there is no way to select required mount options for the particular volume.
Bootstrap Maven in OBS
a project by a_faerber
Apache Maven is a build tool used by many Java projects, which is incompatible with OBS in that it tries to download binary dependencies from the Internet. Several people have in the past years tried to somehow bootstrap Maven and failed.
Try to model check gfp_flags with cbmc
a project by vbabka
Paul McKenney's blog article inspired me to try apply his approach to kernel's memory allocation flags (gfp_flags) and how their combinations affect the decisions and actions taken during page allocation. Recent upstream development around these flags leads me to believe that the complexity is too high for me to reason about them and change the code without unintended changes in semantics. So it might be worth to let the computer do the hard work.
Let’s Encrypt integration into openSUSE/SLE
a project by abergmann
Hacking the Atom Editor/IDE
a project by lslezak
The Atom Editor
Create a qtile package
an idea by kbaikov
Will create a package for https://github.com/qtile/qtile
Play with ARM board
a project by nadvornik
Since my Orange Pi board just arrived, I will play with it.
Play with afl fuzzer
an invention by metan
The afl fuzzer is an interesting tool that uses compile time instrumentation and genetic algorithms to automatically produce test cases that will trigger different code paths in binary...
Play with afl fuzzer
an invention by metan
The afl fuzzer is an interesting tool that uses compile time instrumentation and genetic algorithms to automatically produce test cases that will trigger different code paths in binary...
Multimedia insane migration
a project by scarabeus_iv
Packman reduction
Rewrite maintenance's dependency checkers in Python
an invention by leonardocf
We currently have a set of shell scripts that verify if patches can be properly installed on multiple combinations of base products, extensions and modules. These scripts are all written in shell and are annoying to maintain, as configuration and code is all mixed up.
Integrate ABRT to openSUSE
an invention by michalnowak
There were several attempts to integrate ABRT to openSUSE. In this Hack Week I'd like to:
Docker hacking
an invention by evshmarnev
- learn how to code on golang
- create a script for docker testing (bash or python)
Weblate for l10n.opensuse.org
a project by matejcik
This hackweek, we will be hacking on Weblate and adding features that we need to use it as a translation tool for openSUSE!
Release openSUSE 42.1 Leap JeOS images
a project by RBrownSUSE
Given that Leap is now available, as installation media, we are going to dedicate some time to release ready to use 'Just enough Operating
mysql-packaging git repo enhancement
a project by kstreitova
This Hackweek I would like to finish enhancing of the mysql-packaging git repository [1]. This improvement mainly consists of scripts for a kind of simple continuous integration and git hooks to enforce a few policies for our project. If there is a time I will also take a look at the mysql package itself and check if there is anything to improve.
Make Intel baytrail based device(s) work better with openSUSE
a project by mkubecek
Recently I became a (not very proud) owner of Acer Aspire Switch 10E, a small notebook/tablet convertible based on Intel baytrail platform. Replacing preinstalled (32-bit!) Windows 8.1 with (64-bit) openSUSE proved more challenging than expected, mostly because the device is haunted by a 32-bit UEFI so that it took me a week to make it boot without an external USB flash disk.
Packaging cleanup in HA
an idea by scarabeus_iv
For a bit time I wanted to check and polish the HA and clustering packages. Now is a good time as any.
Automate Haskell Packaging
an invention by psimons
We have various individual tools to automate parts of the Haskell packaging process, like cabal-rpm
, but those tools aren't integrated into a fully automated system that keeps Haskell packages up-to-date with as little human intervention as possible. I would like to build that system. Stackage provides us with an accurate list of packages and versions that are known to work together well, and there are basically two flavors: the nightly snapshot (bleeding edge) and the LTS release (stable API). The former is appropriate for Tumbleweed, IMHO, and the latter is appropriate for stable releases like SLE or Leap.
Write SUSE engineering blog posts
a project by ptesarik
L3 bug reproduction often requires becoming the admin for a moment. I'd like to write down some nifty tricks I used to get certain “interesting” system configurations to work.
Work on KDE translation improvement
a project by vpelcak
I intend to work on translation of KDE to Czech language.
Get rust into Tumbleweed
a project by KGronlund
With rust 1.9 released, it should be possible to from now on bootstrap rustc from the previous version of rustc (so 1.10 can be built using 1.9 etc.). This means that it should now be possible to create a rustc package which no longer needs binary snapshots to build, meaning that we might even be able to submit rustc for inclusion in openSUSE Tumbleweed.
extend ansible's zypper module
an idea by dwaas
At the moment the module supports a very limited amount of functionalities that our favourite package manager provides.
Improve packagers' life
a project by kstreitova
Every packager encounters boring manual tasks every once in a while and these tasks can most probably be automated to some extent. During Hackweek I aim to try and identify such cases in various packagers' workflow and consider creating a tool that would make these tasks easier. Also, I would like to find out whether there is a demand for such tool. In that case, this Hackweek project will turn into a long-term task I plan to keep working on.
learning openQA and writing test
an idea by rdodopoulos
openQA seems to be increasingly used within SUSE. My primary aim is to learn the tool well. In addition, I want to start writing tests that could be, eventually, integrated into the automatic openQA tests of QAM.
Hacking pine64
an idea by pgonin
I just received my pine64 boards https://www.pine64.com/
Orange PI PC - openSUSE - test functionality
an idea by tkovac_admik
Test different OS on OrangePI board. Check, if it is possible use it as home share server, webserver, small monitoring, ....
Port supportconfig to openSUSE
a project by eeich
Supporttools are great and useful utilities to help support and development
spec-cleaner improvements
a project by pluskalm
We want to improve translation of dependencies done by spec-cleaner (i.e. cmake(blah)) and so on - see github.
SSH (Suse Social Hack) game
a project by nmoudra
This is a project to create a "larp" game for SUSE employees (or anyone geeky enough to play this) which will be based on computer related knowledge. The core of the game is to search for other people and clues for solving the main goal by "connecting" or "hacking" according to given HW and SW roles. E.g. a person will play router, another one will play PC and they will need to find a person playing TCP/IP protocol to communicate and eventually create a working setup to solve the goal. They they need to work as a group and solve riddles/ciphers which will let them go further. There are more game mechanics i have in mind, but don't want to spoil all of them now :)
Weblate rush
a project by nmoudra
I want to start working on translations which might be useful in our work (to focus on apps used by us during our work) and to push the rate of translation a bit further.
Learning salt
an invention by ktsamis
Salt seems like a technology that's spreading around and more and more people are using it so I thought I'd learn more about it. I plan to create or use existing VM's to monitor and manage them with salt in order to learn more about it.
weblate hacking
an idea by jnovotna
Add some futures to weblate. - distinguish strings which needs review and fuzzy string
Packman diet 2.0
a project by scarabeus_iv
Continuing last year tweaks of packman project we should proceed in the good work and reduce the packman to provide smallest set of packages possible on Tumbleweed (later on inherited by 43.0...).
continue / push osc2
a project by mstrigl
While osc is growing and getting more and more complex and hard to maintain, there is an object oriented rewrite of osc which key points are:
Provide tools to analyze the life-time of maintenance and release requests in IBS/OBS
an invention by psimons
We need statistical analysis and key performance indicators to describe the lifetime of maintenance and release requests in IBS, for example:
openSUSE on chromebooks (crouton)
an idea by mbrugger
Update for 2018
Bring Linux memory scanner scanmem/GameConqueror to openSUSE
an invention by sparschauer
All other distributions have scanmem/gameconqueror packages. scanmem is a command line memory scanner to locate variables in memory and GameConqueror is the Python/GTK3 front-end for it which also provides game trainer features. But it is not only a game cheating tool. It can also help testing applications, debugging memory issues, watching variables in memory or it can be used for reverse-engineering. Hackers also use it for things like ping spoofing.
Explore how to write a help bot
a project by cyberiad
There is plenty of documentation wiki articles, forum posts, etc., but even with Google or local search engines the answer may be hard to find. Sometimes categorisation is missing or just basic information.
Prototype new LTP upstream runltp script
an invention by metan
Currently the upstream LTP is executed by a hacked up and old runltp script that executes even worse and fairly old mess called ltp-pan which in turn actually executes the test cases. This whole thing is a unmaintainable mess that should have been replaced with something simpler a long time ago. It should also have a few more features that has been requested in the meantime and not implemented since nobody wants to touch the code. For instance executing the test cases on a different machine via ssh and writing the results locally. Another feature I've been thinking about for quite some time is a parallel test execution, since most of the test cases in fact could be executed in parallel which could easily speed up the test run twice. There are other tests that cannot, mostly stress tests, but also test cases that modify global system state, i.e. system time, make use of sysv IPC, use loop devices, etc. These kind of tests should be annotated somehow so that we do not end up with a test cases competing for a global resources in a parallel test run.
Evernote client (everpad/geeknote) for openSUSE
a record by mwilck
Evernote is a popular cloud-based note-taking application. It has the advantage of being available on many platforms, thus notes taken on an Android phone are readily available on the desktop, and vice versa.
Learn & Improve Qt, C++ - Project Oficina
a project by slemke
Updated almost 6 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️.Support verification of digitally signed PDFs in Evince
an idea by mkoutny
PDF format allows inclusion of digital signatures. Unfortunately, Evince can't provide these metadata to the user.
Make some progress on reversing Microsoft new CoW filesystem, ReFS
an idea by aaptel
>Resilient File System (ReFS), codenamed "Protogon", is a Microsoft proprietary file system introduced with Windows Server 2012 with the intent of becoming the "next generation" file system after NTFS.
"autoremove" functionality for zypper
an invention by e_bischoff
The purpose would be to have the equivalent of Ubuntu's "apt-get autoremove" functionality.
Add zypper markauto/unmarkauto commands to allow tuning automated cleanup
a project by mlandres
Packages added by the dependency solver in order to resolve a user's request, are marked as having been automatically installed. They may later be removed, if no more manually installed packages depend on them (e.g. by zypper remove --clean-deps).
Use a SUSE OS on Raspberry Pi for a home entertainment and automation system.
an idea by bryanstephenson
- Get a SUSE OS working on my Raspberry Pi.
- Get familiar with networking commands and config file formats.
Package mitmproxy for openSUSE properly
an invention by kfreitag
Mitmproxy is a totally awesome tool to investigate http- and https-traffic and thus is a very useful debugging tool.
Track statistics on the openSUSE staging process to gain feedback on changes
an invention by jberry
Collecting and presenting statistics on the various aspects of the openSUSE:Factory/openSUSE:Leap:* staging process would be useful for determining if changes in tooling and automation have an impact on the workflow. Some examples or information of interest are as follows.
build 32bit packages for x86_64 with better march/mtune
an idea by sleep_walker
32bit packages for x86_64 are generated from i586 packages which are meant to be run on ancient CPUs. But we could have better expectations for 32bit packages as they're installed on x86_64 system.
backport fix for Pinnacle PCTV DVB-T tunner for Turris-OS official kernel
a project by sleep_walker
I found recently that my DVB-T tunner plugged into Turris Omnia router gets a lot of I2C errors and sometimes divisions by zero.
Brainstorming about Continuous Delivery in SLE
a project by pgeorgiadis
Hackweek is here! I think this is the best week of the year to sit down altogether and exchange ideas and suggestions. The main topic is Automation. The goal is that many of these ideas might help various teams within SUSE to engage their business reasons better in defining key expectations and improve the quality of our software products. No fear of change -- the aim is to propose a modern pipeline in a less-invasive manner. Everybody has an idea, everybody has a voice! Brainstorming together can be useful to many different roles, including testers, analysts and developers. Let's have a chit-chat and write down some of those; Hopefully we will come up with plenty of tips on how to organise testing activities better.
Apple swift language for openSUSE
an invention by kshatskyy
Build opensource swift language package for Leap 42.3, Leap 15.0 on OBS. https://swift.org/
openSUSE for Small and Medium Business
a project by kfreitag
There are a couple of interesting initiatives that make the openSUSE project interesting for SMB, such as
Share Hackweek Photos
an idea by okir
People often share hackweek photos by uploading them to various internal and external servers, and then post the URL to a mailing list.
openQA Package Testing
a project by RBrownSUSE
openQA has a well earned reputation as a 'full system' testing tool, able to test a system end-to-end from the operating system to it's applications on a number of different platforms and architectures, including VM's & Bare Metal.
Enable AddressSanitizer to relevant packages in Factory
an idea by vpereirabr
To find security relevant issues in the package building step, I'm researching and implementing in the (OBS) project level, a way to compile all Factory packages with ASAN without change a single spec. The main goal would be to:
Automate the workreport email with python
an invention by ktsamis
In the spirit of learning more python and practicing I will be creating a script to automate the work report emails that we send every week. This will not be a simple cron job because I have to catch corner cases of vacation etc. The next step is filling the workreport automatically by using the various API's that we can use (Bugzilla, osc qam plugin). The purpose is mainly to learn a bit more python.
build openSUSE Factory with PIE
a project by msmeissn
We have an ongoing project where we want to build openSUSE Factory with PIE support for all packages.
Improve translations on https://l10n.opensuse.org/
a project by SShyukriev
It is always nice to extend the translations for openSUSE packages/projects using Weblate.
Everyone is encouraged to improve on his native language.
Intranet Search Engine
a project by sven15
In this hack week we want to focus on improving the existing components used for http://docsearch.nue.suse.com. Creating separated repositories for each service and pushing them to github.com is also desired.
Implement ZSTD + BTRFS support to GRUB2
an invention by dsterba
The ZSTD is a new compression method, potential replacement for existing methods. The support has been added to linux 4.14, but the bootloader support is missing.
Tools to make keysigning fun again (replacement for caff)
an idea by kbabioch
There is a tool called caff, which is the de-facto standard when dealing with keysigning (on a large scale, e.g. after a key signing party). This tool hasn't been touch in years, is written and configured in Perl (hence cannot be read and/or maintained :smile:) and is not easy to package, because of a lot of dependencies, etc. It is not even available in our default repositories (at least for Tumbleweed). In general there seems to be a certain kind of frustration with this software, but there is no real alternative available yet.
DIY Awesome Glowing Nixie Clock
an invention by JWSun
Glowing Nixie Clock
RPMlint cleanups
a project by scarabeus_iv
RPMlint upstream milestone 2.0 is shaping up but there are still ticket that needs to be tackled to finalize the release and enjoy the freshness of awesome QA on Tumbleweed/SLE16.
Package LanguageTool for openSUSE
an invention by namtrac
LanguageTool is a style and grammar checker for 25+ languages https://languagetool.org
Learn how to Python3.
a project by lpalovsky
The idea is simple - I want to learn Python :) My previous knowledge about Python is small. Only few tutorials and some initial readings of below mentioned books to get an overview.
Package milkytracker
a project by geor
Milkytracker is a free software multi-platform music tracker for composing music in the MOD and XM module file formats.
Looking for projects around:
Nothing at the moment