
matter logo is a new standard for IoT automation. Unlike previous standards it does not require a special radio protocol but can work over plain WiFi.

While some devices and controllers exist there are very few LED light controllers, and all of the ones I could find are RGB.

Espressif provides a Matter SDK customized for ESP32 and examples of LED controllers, although without sufficient power to drive a LED strip.

On the other hand, examples of driving a LED strip with Arduino are abundant.

Some copypasta in KiCAD should make it possible to get an ESP32 board that can drive a LED strip with enough GPIO to mount physical switch controls.


Find a generic ESP32 board schematic that can be adapted

Select additio)nal parts and expand the schematic

Get schematic and BOM that can be used to have a PCB produced by a PCB manufacturing service



official site

Matter SDK for ESP32

Some tutorial for ESP32 Matter SDK

Another tutorial for ESP32 Matter SDK

Arduino PWM tutorial

ESP32 PWM tutorial

Another ESP32 PWM tutorial

High voltage PWM with Arduino pMOSFET

High voltage PWM with ESP32 nMOSFET

All MOSFET type switching schematics

Another site with transistor switch circuits with MOSFET gate resistor example

Some tutorial on making ESP32 carrier boards

Another reference board design

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  • about 1 month ago: michals started this project.
  • about 1 month ago: michals originated this project.

  • Comments

    • michals
      30 days ago by michals | Reply

      random mosfet SSM3K324R

      random voltage regulator UA78M33CDCYR

      standard looking terminals like TE 282836-2 282836-6 are cool but there are also surface mount terminals like 1-2383942-0

    • michals
      29 days ago by michals | Reply

      random bypass diode WND08P16DJ, random eFUSE LS2406ERQ23

      Some protection ICs provide reverse voltage protection but require external MOSFET for that anyway. Using a separate diode is simpler.

      There is the problem that typical power protection ICs have voltage rating up to 60~80V but with LED controller it is not hard to imagine it could be connected to mains giving 240V. Also the eFUSE specifically is not intended to work independently, and has an EN pin that needs to be pulled high to enable the eFUSE.

    • michals
      28 days ago by michals | Reply

      Cannot open kicad symbol libraries. Kicad too old. It depends on wxwidgets that are too old. These come from SLE15 SP4 so it's unlikely these can be updated. On top of that wxpython is needed as well.

    • michals
      27 days ago by michals | Reply

      found ESP32 board designs but none is directly usable opensource but using proprietary Eagle software using kicad but proprietary HW design files fully open but using some obsolete or very obscure main chip

      While and provide detailed instructions there are quite a few things that have to be done right for the board to work, and consequently most designs require multiple iterations.

      Looks like adding the extra parts to an existing design is not possible due to limitations of available existing designs.

    • michals
      23 days ago by michals | Reply

      Less random protection diode is SPV1001D40TR which an obsolete part and is in fact a device based on a MOSFET internally so a MOSFET based protection can be used instead Less random overcurrent protection that is widely available is LM5069MM-2/NOPB which does use an external MOSFET as well. I think adding at least one extra MOSFET for reverse voltage protection is advisable, that's most likely connection problem.

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