Crowbar : to be able to change barclamp raw properties in a new user-friendly UI
an idea by ilausuch
In crowbar for each barclamp we can change some attributes using comfortable UI fields, but sometimes we need to change some attributes that aren't defined in these fields therefore we have to manipulate a json in a text area to change them.
(DIY) Robotic SUSE pet for your desktop and amaze your workmates
a project by ilausuch
The idea is to create a fantastic robotic SUSE pet using cheap materials. It will be moved with you remote control of your TV. After building the prototype the schemes and Arduino code will be delivered for everyone to try building it at home.
audio emojis for Rocket.chat
an idea by rsimai
We recently changed from IRC to Rocket.chat and now all enjoy the colorful richness of emojis, and in particular animated emoticons such as the that so much helps productivity.
Introduce Kitchen tests for the Suse Openstack Cloud chef cookbooks
an idea by itxaka
There is a lack of testing for our infrastructure code, in the chef part. While we have openstack tests that indicate that the chef cookbooks did their work (kind of) there is multitude of small details that can get away and not come up in the openstack tests that refer to infrastructure and changing cookbooks can lead to disasters without proper testing.
Refactor apply_role in crowbar framework to create a better world
a project by itxaka
Look at this beauty: https://github.com/crowbar/crowbar-core/blob/master/crowbarframework/app/models/serviceobject.rb#L941
Improve Nailed
an idea by itxaka
Nailed is a great tool for gathering development data.
STEM Workshop in Montessori School
an invention by ilausuch
Working on the documentation...
The SUSE Game
an invention by ilausuch
** UPDATE **
Practice Go
a project by vcuadradojuan
Use this hackweek to practice and learn more about Go.
Python Romset Management Tools (pyros)
a project by jjolly
The primary arcade machine emulator is MAME, and it has a very specific format for romset compression. I have previously started a project call pyros that allows the creation and update of MAME romsets. The project consists of the following tools:
Porting Askbot to Python 3
a project by rbueker
During the last year Askbot, a question and answer oriented internet tool, similar to stack overflow has been tested for internal usage.
SUSE incarnation of the Party Parrot
an invention by rsimai
The Parrot seems to have many fans meanwhile, in particular since we're running Rocket.chat at SUSE. Some may find these emoticons distracting, some find it just cool and I would certainly love to see something like the Partyparrot but as a "SUSE parrot", probably someone manages to make the SUSE Geeko move in a similar fashion, as party_geeko. Finally I'd love to see this uploaded to the cultofthepartyparrot.com under "Party Guests". Because clearly the Geeko insists! :-)
STEM Workshop in Montessori School: Robotics
an invention by ilausuch
During the previous Hackweek I did a workshop in a Montessori school. This time I would like the same but with focusing on Robotics.
openSUSE on Fairphone
an idea by FridayKetchup
I am curious if we can run openSUSE or another SUSE OS (SLES/Micro) on a Fairphone. Status: To start at the beginning
Hack around c3os
a project by EDiGiacinto
Project Description
Looking for projects around:
Nothing at the moment