Revive (web)pin for openSUSE
a record by lrupp
Which package currently provides libfoo.so.6 ?
Zeroconf with others (GNOME Shell, Firefox, Wayland and others)
a project by cxiong
Zeroconf/Bonjour/Avahi is a very interesting technique that targets at freeing users of services from tedious IP-based network configuration by automatic-distributed address-assigning, name-assigning and service discovery/browsing. It's named officially as zeroconf, Bonjour is the implementation in OS X, iOS and Windows, while Avahi is for Unix-like system.
Add VNC backend to openQA
an invention by zxdvd
Background about openQA: https://progress.opensuse.org/projects/openqa-improvement/wiki
Package proper cross-compilers
a project by rguenther
openSUSE lacks useable cross-compilers to glibc systems. This is the attempt to provide those, most important a cross-compiler for arm/aarch64.
Raspberry PI radio transmitter (no additional hardware)
an idea by dheidler
Create a kernel module, which provides a virtual alsa sink, which transmits the audio through the air.
create openSUSE 13.1 images for ARMv7 and ARMv8
an idea by dirkmueller
Currently the last working images for ARMv7/v8 are openSUSE 12.3 based. Since then a lot of new features and regressions have been introduced, so it is time to refresh the appliances based on 13.1 and make them work.
'Who's that guy?' - a floor based mini game
an invention by thutterer
Persona openid for Build Service
a project by k0da
Build Service needs an openid.
bug screening helper
a project by bmwiedemann
The Problem: many bugs filed for openSUSE go to the screening-team by default and often remain there for weeks, so that developers (who would be interested in analyzing or fixing these bugs) do not learn about them. However, the screening process is a hard one
Experiment with uselessd as a systemd replacement on openSUSE 13.1
an invention by dsterba
The base version for uselessd is systemd-208, which is the version used in 13.1. Let's try if a direct substitution of the binaries works and watch out for the problems.
Crowbar on openSUSE
a project by tboerger
In order to build a community around crowbar, our cloud installer, we need to get this running on openSUSE as well. So let's find some time to move the packaging of crowbar from the ibs to the obs!
OpenSUSE support for OpenStack Training
an invention by dguitarbite
OpenSUSE support for OpenStack Training Labs
HTML5 testdrive for SUSE Studio
an invention by JKrupa2
There are more and more devices with no Adobe Flash plugin support in web browser (new Android and Apple phones and tables, etc.). The aim of this project is to replace Flash testdrive in SUSE Studio with HTML5 client.
SUSE Bug Query Engine
a project by LPechacek
In short, give second breath to http://hall.suse.de/bugs/defects.cgi.
Reimplementation of "quilt setup"
an invention by jdelvare
I would like to change the way "quilt setup" is implemented.
Git like subcommand support for zypper
an idea by mlandres
Add subcommand support for zypper. That is, if 'zypper foo' is not found, look for %{_libexec}/zypper/zypper-foo just like git does. Then those subcommands could be binaries linked to libzypp or just scripts.
A SUSE chronicle 0.1
a project by rhaidl
Talking to people, getting the information about what had happened in the SUSE history, bringing all together to kind of a chronicle. Let's give it a try :-)
SUSE Music(ian) Space
a project by ralfflaxa
Once again, the SUSE band is coming together to make music and we're planning a party this time round!!!
Bare Metal OpenQA
a project by algraf
Today OpenQA mostly runs on virtual machines, but it can get really tricky to find bugs triggered by real hardware. There are only few interfaces required to interact with a machine though:
write mkcloudcloud - a nested cloud setup software
a project by bmwiedemann
In https://github.com/SUSE-Cloud/automation/ we already have mkcloud, which can setup a whole SUSE Cloud on a single host for testing. However, it would be cool, if (instead of a single machine) we could use cloud.suse.de with its capability to add extra networks as requested.
allow openQA tests in python
a project by bmwiedemann
using perl's Inline::Python module, it should be possible to define openQA test modules in python instead of perl.
geekos.prv.suse.net employee finder
an invention by hennevogel
Cryptocurencies in openSUSE
a project by pluskalm
I want to create devel project for cryptocurrencies/mining tools/blockchain related stuff, fill it with packages and submit at least some of them to Tumbleweed.
bugzilla auto-assignment using artificial stupidity
a project by bmwiedemann
A lot of openSUSE bugs are filed with plenty details but without a specific assignee so often many days are lost between filing and a developer seeing the report.
Improve openSUSE infrastructure
a project by lrupp
There is always something to do if you run the infrastructure for such a big project like openSUSE....
Write a minigame with Python
an idea by GraceWang
Write a minigame with Python The main purpose of this project is learn how to use Python to do something.
CephFS client for Android using the Linux Kernel Library and Wireguard
a project by dmdiss
CephFS is awesome, but without a VPN it's not safe to be routed over the internet, and it lacks client support on many platforms. The Linux Kernel Library allows for the linux kernel to be built as a cross-platform user-space library and integrated into a regular Android, Windows, macOS, etc. application. This project combines CephFS, LKL and wireguard, and sprinkles some io-uring on top.
make "predictable network interface names" more predictable
an idea by mkubecek
Since the so-called "predictable names" for network interfaces were introduced, the concept and mainly its implementation has been a target of a lot of critique and sometimes even hate. On the other hand, similar idea works reasonably well for block devices.
A comparative description of modern build systems and QA systems
a project by lpato
SUSE is using OBS as a build system and openQA for automated testing purposes. The goal of the study is to find out the strengths and weaknesses of these systems and compare them to other open source alternatives in a structured way.
Package odpdown
a project by jgrassler
I have been known to talk anybody I held presentations with into using odpdown.
Increase "osc checkout" speed.
an idea by jsikes
Using osc I noticed that when checking out projects the project files are requested and loaded one at a time. My first order of business would be to combine the individual requests into one request.
Design patterns for os-autoinst-distri-opensuse
a project by ybonatakis
The idea is to hack os-autoinst-distri-opensuse infrastucture and explore design patterns that can fit. The end point of this is to restructure the framework in such a way that the main-common.pm is more efficient, functional and readable.
OSel (OpenStack extra light) ... VM managment for running virtualized kubernetes cluster
a project by thorebahr
Create a prototype of an agent on kvm hosts to control the distributen of master / worker nodes between different kvm hosts. No central control plane should be used - the main design goal should be: as simple as possible :-)
dmidecode: no more open-coded printfs
a project by jdelvare
There's a long standing request to extend the output of dmidecode to something that would be machine-readable. Something like an XML or JSON-based format. Unfortunately this can't be implemented right now because the output of dmidecode is generated by open-coded printfs as the DMI table is being parsed, with no intermediate structures nor temporary buffers.
All our beloved acronyms in one place... also some Jekyll hackin
an invention by thutterer
Acronyms are fun. Everyone at SUSE loves them. Just sometimes… you might not know what one stands for.
Reproducible Source/Build Transparency Watcher
a project by jzerebecki
Updated almost 4 years ago. 2 hacker ♥️. 2 followers.Port some classic game to Linux
a project by MDoucha
Let's pick some old classic game, reverse engineer the data formats and game rules and write an open source engine for it from scratch. Some games from 1990s are simple enough that we could have a playable prototype by the end of the week.
Produce an original piece of music using open source software (e.g. Ardour5, Hydrogen, Calf Plugins, etc.)
a project by jctmichel
Project Description
caching proxy for openSUSE repos
a project by bmwiedemann
Create an ALP based Leap replacement. (Grassy Knoll)
an invention by simotek
Digging into the NanoKVM
an idea by abergmann
Testing the capabilities of the NanoKVM and NanoKVM Lite open source Keyboard Video Mouse switches.
Tracing system calls with eBPF
a project by doreilly
Many security tools need to record system calls like execve. Using the Linux audit system for this can have a detrimental performance impact in some cases.
Make smaller image of Micro OS/SLE Micro for RPi (4, 400 or Zero 2)
a project by llansky3
The compressed image of e.g. SLE Micro 6.0 is ~ 900Mb. ** The overall goal of this project is to make a smaller footprint (in terms of image size) flavor of the image. This is to be achieved by limiting the target use-case to simple RPi (4, 400, Pi Zero 2) server for home IoT. **
Migrate from Docker to Podman
an invention by tjyrinki_suse
More sophisticated KMP cleanup in `zypper purge-kernels`
an invention by mlandres
KMPs get removed automatically as soon as the last kernel providing their requirements is purged.
Looking for projects around:
Nothing at the moment