

France, OOH


Looking for projects around:

Nothing at the moment


  • 11 months ago: vlefebvre started Create a "trello" tool desktop software to track daily task and improve personnal productivity
  • 11 months ago: vlefebvre added keyword "tool" to Create a "trello" tool desktop software to track daily task and improve personnal productivity
  • 11 months ago: vlefebvre added keyword "flutter" to Create a "trello" tool desktop software to track daily task and improve personnal productivity
  • 11 months ago: vlefebvre added keyword "trello" to Create a "trello" tool desktop software to track daily task and improve personnal productivity
  • 11 months ago: vlefebvre added keyword "agenda" to Create a "trello" tool desktop software to track daily task and improve personnal productivity
  • 11 months ago: vlefebvre originated Create a "trello" tool desktop software to track daily task and improve personnal productivity
  • over 1 year ago: vlefebvre joined Create an ALP based Leap replacement. (Grassy Knoll)
  • over 1 year ago: vlefebvre liked Create an ALP based Leap replacement. (Grassy Knoll)