Detect type of change in a project analyzing the log history
a project by aplanas
Use machine learning and natural language processing techniques to analyze the changes made in a project, and classify them in:
Learn Rust
a project by aplanas
Rust, the new language from Mozilla Foundation, is a modern systems programming language focusing on safety and speed. It accomplishes these goals by being memory safe without using garbage collection.
Test and improve openstack-ansible project for Leap 42.3 / Tumbleweed
a project by aplanas
[IDEA] Use Mozilla's DeepSpeech to automate minute take for meetings
a project by aplanas
Mozilla's DeepSpeech project[1] is using TensorFlow and some paper from Baidu to make an open source speech to text system, based on deep learning (TensorFlow). The current project allow the training for own local datasets, but also there is a pre-trained model that can be used during the development.
Help Astronomy team from University of Louisville
an idea by aplanas
The Astronomy team at the University of Louisville is providing documentation about how to setup openSUSE for a better experience for the daily job:
Port MicroOS to the Gameshell from Clockwork Pi
a project by aplanas
The Gameshell is a small game console based on AllWinner R16 (Cortex-A7, IIRC the same CPU that the RPi2). Currently is supporting Debian, and some community member ported ArchLinux on it.
Improve packaging of Rust in OBS
an invention by aplanas
Project Description
Continue work on "ostatus"
a project by aplanas
Project Description
Support FIDO2 and TPM2 in a full disk encryption based on systemd
a project by aplanas
Looking for projects around:
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