
I recently started to work on tooling for OBS using rust, to do so I started a Rust create to interact with OBS API, I only implemented a few routes/resources for what I needed. What about making it a full fledged OBS client library.


  • Implement more routes/resources
  • Implement a test suite against the actual OBS implementation
  • Bonus: Create an osc like cli in Rust using the library



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  • 2 months ago: alessio.biancalana liked this project.
  • 2 months ago: enavarro_suse liked this project.
  • 2 months ago: dancermak liked this project.
  • 2 months ago: hennevogel added keyword "obs" to this project.
  • 2 months ago: aplanas liked this project.
  • 2 months ago: toe liked this project.
  • 3 months ago: jzerebecki liked this project.
  • 3 months ago: hennevogel liked this project.
  • 3 months ago: adinov joined this project.
  • 3 months ago: nbelouin started this project.
  • 3 months ago: nbelouin originated this project.

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