[Yast] Provide useful understandable error messages for Storagean idea by locilka It has probably already happened to you: Creating volume /dev/sda2 failed with error -1008 Did it tell anything useful to you? Maybe if Storage gave you some more info, you could have continued, fix the problem by yourself. |
Make ruby-ui usable for YaSTan idea by dmacvicar ruby-ui was a hackweek project with jreidinger to make libyui (YaST text/graphical engine) usable from pure-ruby without going through YCP. |
Travis CI support for Yastan invention by lslezak Description |
rewrite YaST2 AppArmoran idea by cboltz The YaST2 AppArmor module is still based on the Immunix::* perl modules that are deprecated upstream and therefore causes some maintenance "fun". Upstream AppArmor utils were rewritten in python. |
yast2-fontsan invention by pgajdos
Use Jenkins as a Travis replacement for YaST (or possibly any other GitHub project)an invention by lslezak Use Jenkins as a Travis replacement for YaST |
YaST2 code reorganizationa project by ancorgs YaST code organization is a mess at many levels (files location, namespaces, code dependencies...). Recently we created this gist to put some of the issues on the table |
Edit Widget Properties in YDialogSpya record by shundhammer Summary |
Integrate AutoYaST with software configuration management systemsan invention by IGonzalezSosa FATE#319830, FATE#319843 and FATE#319842 propose integration of AutoYaST with different software configuration management systems like Salt, Chef and Puppet. |
Use linear programming for the partitioning proposalan idea by ancorgs The YaST team is rewriting yast2-storage. That includes new shiny code for the storage proposal during installation. It calculates what partitions and/or volumes need to be created to allocate the system and finds the best way to create those partitions in the existing free spaces. The second part becomes more complicated than it looks as soon as you start considering the restrictions imposed by each volumes and by the technology (primary vs logical partitions, for example). |
yast2-storage-ng as a libstorage-ng wrapper. POCa project by ancorgs The goal of this project is to write a proof of concept of a new philosophy for yast2-storage-ng. Instead of just extending the API offered by libstorage-ng, the idea is wrap libstorage-ng so the Ruby code using yast2-storage-ng does not have direct visibility (unless explicitly desired) on the libstorage-ng classes and methods. |
Get rid of perl-apparmora project by goldwynr Perl-apparmor is obsolete in the apparmor community. No one is maintaining it. However, opensuse has to keep it to interact with yast, which is the main consumer of perl-apparmor. Getting rid of perl-apparmor would mean: |
Implement QEMU Firmware Config device support in Linuxrc/AutoYaSTa project by dmacvicar While normally data is passed to linuxrc (including an AutoYaST profile), modern auto-install tools like Ignition from CoreOS support a very interesting method: the QEMU Firmware Config device. |
Better support for Chromebooksan idea by suntorytimed Better support for Chromebooks |
Make Yast CA Mgm-Ng out of Yast RMT modulean idea by ikapelyukhin
Graphical view of the changes to be made to disks during installationa project by ancorgs Right now, during the (open)SUSE installation process, the changes to be performed on the storage devices are presented as a list of actions such as: |
Learn Crystal by porting part of YaST to that languagean invention by ancorgs For a very long time, I have been planning to play with Crystal as possible substitute/complement for Ruby. With that goal, I have isolated a very small subset of the Ruby project I know the best (yast-storage-ng) and I want to migrate that subset to Crystal to get a general feeling about the language. See the repository with the experiment already in progress. |
Build admin-tools in a stand-alone environment without obs dependenciesan invention by dmulder The admin-tools appimage provides several samba team YaST packages in a portable way, such as yast2-aduc, yast2-gpmc, yast2-adsi, and yast2-dns-manager. Currently I build the appimage on obs, but this pulls in lots of unnecessary dependencies. Making it build independently would allow building on other distros. The difficult part here is going to be building minimal YaST dependencies. |
Analyser for YaST logsa project by jreidinger Well, we often stuck in YaST team with knowledge what users really use and how much. But we have yast logs in many bug reports. And from those logs we can see which modules users use the most. So goal of this project is to write script that analyze given tarballs with logs and print result about usage of yast clients. |