Access Files in Machinery's System Descriptions Using FUSEan idea by tgoettlicher Machinery's system descriptions can contain files. These files are stored in the internal data format and are somewhere hidden in one of many tar balls. It's hard for users to access these files. |
SUSE MANAGER automation of creating custom channels "suma-custom-channel"a project by asemen SUSE Manager has the possibility to add custom channels using the GUI. |
Search people by tagan idea by dleidi The problem I typically find very hard to figure out in the whole SUSE company who is the go-to guy for a certain skill/knowledge/experience. I'd like to have some place where one, who does not know people around him, can just browse and search for people by some tag or label. Sometimes you have a problem in a specific area but you don't know who to ask to, or even if you do, you don't know there were many other people with the same knowledge/experience you could have ask before. |
SUSE branded keycaps modelsan invention by cbosdonnat Project Description |
Extended Catalog of SUSE Slideware Templatesa project by dominic_vieira Project DescriptionThere are lots of interesting presentations happening all throughout SUSE on all manner of subjects. Presenters have found all kinds of creative ways to showcase their content using different shapes, templates, and other tools to convey important information. If you're looking to start a new presentation, the current slide templates are great to get started with but often time presenters have to look elsewhere for design inspiration. The goal of this project is to create a centralized "extended catalog" of Powerpoint and Impress templates, as a compliment to the existing templates, and make them available to SUSE employees through ImageRelay, that can serve as inspiration and templates for those looking to create rich and complex presentations based on examples built by fellow SUSE employees. |