git-based mail clientan idea by KGronlund I want to create a more modern mail storage format, which leverages git and tagging instead of folders to manage my mail. |
Learn Rust by writing an IRC bouncera project by IGonzalezSosa A good way of getting to know a new programming language is... writing some code. So although there are some good IRC bouncers, like ZNC, we want to write another one just for learning. |
Bug Grapha project by rpalethorpe A social network for Bugs and test cases! |
next-generation email synchronization programa project by dancermak There are various email synchronization programs like offlineimap or mbsync, which have some inherent limitations: |
Learn Rustan invention by michalnowak Learn Rust by following The Rust Programming Language book. |
libpathrsa project by cyphar The plan is to implement a safe path resolution library for Linux to avoid the plentiful numbers of security vulnerabilities that have been seen in the wild related to path resolution race conditions and various other attacks. I've been working on kernel-space solutions but even if they were merged, it is difficult to use them safely directly. So this library intends to provide simple wrappers that everyone can use. |
Kanidm: A safe and modern IDM systeman invention by firstyear This hackweek I'll be working on Kanidm, an IDM system written in Rust for modern systems authentication. The github repo has a detailed "getting started" on the readme. |
SUSE Manager Cluster Extension (PoC)a project by bmaryniuk Since SUSE Manager doesn't scale out and stacking it into another pyramid of susemanagers won't help here, the real architectural changes needs to be done to achieve true scale-out of this product. This hackweek project is about how to Turn SUSE Manager into a cluster. |
Sharing logic between desktop and web based applications through WASMan invention by IGonzalezSosa Project Description |
Improve packaging of Rust in OBSan invention by aplanas Project Description |
Velcro demuxing software managementa project by zbenjamin |
knotsa project by LarsMB Summary |
Write an url shortener in Rust (And learn in the way)a project by szarate So I have 469.icu :), it's currently doing nothing... (and for sale) but in the meantime, I'd like to write an url shortener from scratch and deploy it on my own server |
Semi-automated XMLRPC based tool for uyuni testing written in Rust languagea project by lkotek |
The world craban invention by cdywan The world is changing. A mouse got lose and fell off the discworld. Consequently the elephants got scared and hopped off Great A'Tuin's back. As luck would have it a gigantic crab with four gophers on its back took its place. |
Give back to Wezterman invention by mpagot |
Implement search in zellijan invention by MSirringhaus Project Description |
Improve zypp-gui toola project by xiaoguang_wang zypp-gui is a gui tool to update the system and install the packages in openSUSE distro. It's written by rust. |
Project Verifree : internal key server(s)a project by mcaj Project description |