The world is changing. A mouse got lose and fell off the discworld. Consequently the elephants got scared and hopped off Great A'Tuin's back. As luck would have it a gigantic crab with four gophers on its back took its place.
Project Description
The world crab is a static meta blog generator aka a planet. Imagine you have a bunch of static blogs made with Hugo and you're looking for a way to aggregate those blogs easily without worrying too much about the details and without duplicating metadata. If this sounds too good to be true, the world crab is for you!
Goal for this Hackweek
- Implement missing features needed by QA Tarantula
- Rendering without hugo
- Surface authors
- World Crab on GitHub the upstream project
- QA Tarantula on GitHub proof of concept of a QA-focussed planet
This project is part of:
Hack Week 21 Hack Week 22
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