React Native Todo App with Self-hosted Elixir Backenda project by Servus007 Overview: We're building a mobile to-do list app using React Native and connecting it to a self-hosted Elixir backend. This project aims to create a user-friendly, cross-platform app for task management, with data syncing across devices. |
Create a kubectl plugin for Epinioan invention by ecandino |
Fine Tuning LLaMa2an invention by rtorrero |
TinyTutor - an AI chat-bot powered children's tutora project by dmulder |
Rancher Upgrader - Upgrades your rancher install via helm, and communicates critical changes from release A to invention by rweir |
Try openSUSE on MNT Reform (LS1028A)an idea by michals |
Dawnscanner: parsing a simple sinatra applicationan idea by pperego |
Create better async hooks for Uyuni state managementa project by Etheryte |
Network Throughput Analyzer Tool with Grafana Integrationan idea by sushilhiremath |
A frameblending filter for OBS Studio well-suited to do game streaminga project by mschreiner Project Description |
solar monitor (part 2)an idea by npower Project Description |
Split initramfs supporta project by ismaell Project DescriptionMany |
Learn Lilypond and Use It to Typeset Sheet musican invention by smithfarm |
COOTWbota project by ngetahun |
Integration weather sensors on my Allsky camera - raspberry projectan idea by martinsmac Project Description |
Philosophy of Computer Science (in short 'PhoCS' or phonetically 'Fox')a project by awh |
Protestware - Ethical Considerations of Protest within Opensouce Software Communitiesan idea by etchubykalo |
Investigate zypper/openSUSE repository refresh optimisationsan invention by dirkmueller |
Nodes Overviewan idea by lrangasamy |
Lawndon - Recycled electric mower converted into a 3D printable and autonomous hill climbing invention by jordonleach Description |
Add support for VisionFive2 board in Elemental toolkita project by ldevulder Description |