Prepare Crowbar for the future!a project by vuntz There are a lot of issues in Crowbar due to the legacy of poor internals. This is blocking things quite a bit when it comes to improving Crowbar for adding new features. Let's fix it! |
spec-cleaner improvementsa project by pluskalm We want to improve translation of dependencies done by spec-cleaner (i.e. cmake(blah)) and so on - see github. |
Orange PI PC - openSUSE - test functionalityan idea by tkovac_admik Test different OS on OrangePI board. Check, if it is possible use it as home share server, webserver, small monitoring, .... |
Geeko's Hackweek Gazette - Nürnberg Editiona project by xgonzo Geeko's Hack Week Gazette - Nürnberg Edition |
Find YaST docu easilyan idea by gabi2 Problem: |
Hacking pine64an idea by pgonin I just received my pine64 boards https://www.pine64.com/ |
JeOS Gatewaya project by cwickert Create an OpenVPN gateway based on SLES 12 JeOS |
Orthos as plug-in for SUSE Manager ?a project by mcaj Discovery the latest SUSE Manager, what is missing there from user and system point of view to be use as Orthos reservation system |
Play with ionic frameworka project by mschnitzer There is a super cool framework for mobile phone apps available: ionic (http://ionicframework.com/) |
distributed storage gateway for seagate kinetic hard disk clustera project by colyli Seagate has a "new" hard disk product called Kinetic, this kind of hard disk can connect to ethernet directly and no extra computer system needed. This project is to build a Kinetic Storage Gateway, to export a legacy NAS interface to clients (TV, mobile phone, etc..) and hide kinetic protocol details behind the gateway. |
Add parameterizable Salt Formulas to SUSE Managera project by joachimwerner Together with my son, I'm working on improving the Salt support in Manager 3. |
Package PGAS Compilera project by jjolly Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) is a method of HPC distributed programming developed by University of California - Berkeley. Programs implement the PGAS api via C or C++, and the Berkeley UPC compiler front-end will preprocess the source to be compiled by GCC and linked to the necessary libraries to make it work. PGAS is an alternative to the Message Passing Interface (MPI) generally used, although the UPC coexists well with the various MPI implementations. |
Port ceph rbd client to Windowsan idea by kallan Using mingw on Winodws, port the ceph rbd client to Windows. Start by compiling the files and porting any posix isms like fork, ecec, wait, join, etc. Then find the ceph libraries that it uses and repeat the process. Hopefully I'll get to the point where I can start to link and see what other functionality needs to be ported over. |
setup kopano groupwise replacementa project by bmwiedemann Following up on Sunday's Kopano deployment workshop at oSC16, I deploy an instance of the FLOSS groupware, collecting important steps in https://w3.suse.de/~bwiedemann/contrib/kopano-setup.sh |
Speed up installationa project by jreidinger Installation time is important as shorter installation allows everyone to safe resources and their time. It also can make better impression when starting with openSUSE and SUSE. And last but not least as we more frequently use openQA, so we do hundreds of installation every week, it even smaller improvement can in the end help SUSE to safe resources and be more green. |
Research/Develop a method for automatic partial/degraded LVM volume mounting when lvmetad is activea project by dbond1 SLES 12SP1 enables the lvmetad service by default. While in general this greatly enhances the efficiency of LVM, it does expose an issue with auto mounting partial and degraded volumes. This project will be an exploration of the interactions between udev, pvscan, and lvmetad in an attempt to find the best method to enable customizable/automatic mounting of partial and degraded volume groups. |
Improve JeOSan idea by mkravec This hackweek I decided to play with JeOS images. |
Improve plural support in gettext toolsa project by sbrabec gettext tools are used by many other projects to process translation files. |
Agentless Systems Management Based on Salt SSHa project by j_renner This project is about using Salt SSH for managing systems without the need of an additional agent to be installed (besides |
learning openQA and writing testan idea by rdodopoulos openQA seems to be increasingly used within SUSE. My primary aim is to learn the tool well. In addition, I want to start writing tests that could be, eventually, integrated into the automatic openQA tests of QAM. |
Find a Developer Compatible GUI Mail Clienta project by shundhammer Summary |