Installation time is important as shorter installation allows everyone to safe resources and their time. It also can make better impression when starting with openSUSE and SUSE. And last but not least as we more frequently use openQA, so we do hundreds of installation every week, it even smaller improvement can in the end help SUSE to safe resources and be more green.

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  • about 8 years ago: dsterba liked this project.
  • about 8 years ago: keichwa liked this project.
  • about 8 years ago: jreidinger started this project.
  • about 8 years ago: locilka liked this project.
  • about 8 years ago: jreidinger originated this project.

  • Comments

    • jreidinger
      about 8 years ago by jreidinger | Reply

      First result: speed up from 58 seconds to 45 seconds by bootloader writting optimization in bootloader finish step. related pull requests:

    • jreidinger
      about 8 years ago by jreidinger | Reply

      next step is profiling installer run to recognize where to focus on gist

    • jreidinger
      about 8 years ago by jreidinger | Reply

      Another generic optimization in logging to use more specialized caller call improve minimal autoyast installation by 5 seconds, which is around 3% of whole installation time.

    • jreidinger
      about 8 years ago by jreidinger | Reply

      Another step. Trying to optimize DeepCopy and found that new version is actually slower. For benchmark see

    • jreidinger
      about 8 years ago by jreidinger | Reply

    • jreidinger
      about 8 years ago by jreidinger | Reply

      Removing autoyast installation sleep saves 4 second in auto installation pull request

    • okurz
      about 8 years ago by okurz | Reply

      admiring :-)

    • jreidinger
      about 8 years ago by jreidinger | Reply

      Another set of benchmarks done to try to optimize some often used methods, but no success ( it usually speed up only in subset of cases ). But with profiling found that slide show often counted total size, so optimized in this pull request hopefully it should save another seconds ( measuring in progress ).

    • jreidinger

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