Discovery the latest SUSE Manager, what is missing there from user and system point of view to be use as Orthos reservation system

The SUSE Manager is a great tool and his popularity is growing. It`s able to manage multiple Linux distributions from a single, centralized console. Its using by developers as well SUSE customers. On the other side the tool Orthos is internal tool inside R&D only. It an old tool (first commit from the year 2009) and the primary porpoise was managed and reserved machines with different architecture. Its internal only and last a few years was not active developed but just fixed by many trainee. It is used for following tasks:

  • locating a machine,

  • getting the state of the machine,

  • overview about the hardware,

  • overview about the installed software (installations),

  • reservation of the machines,

  • generating the DHCP configuration,

  • reboot the machines remotely and

  • managing remote consoles.

Let`s check what from Orthos task we can already do in SUSE Manager and what is missing there. In future I see possibility to create a plug-in "Orthos" into the SUSE Manager.

The possible marked opportunity for the plug-in might be :

  • for companies providing SW/HW support.

  • for companies providing SW/HW developing.

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  • about 8 years ago: okurz liked this project.
  • about 8 years ago: xgonzo liked this project.
  • about 8 years ago: tdig liked this project.
  • about 8 years ago: mcaj started this project.
  • about 8 years ago: mcaj originated this project.

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