d-ldapv3a project by doliveira LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is an emerging Internet standard for accessing directory information, and allowing LDAP-enabled applications to access multiple directories. LDAP v3 supports features such as secure connections, entry management, schema management, and LDAP controls and extensions for expanding LDAP's functionality. |
Try to fix crashes in openshot when working a lot with audio snippetsan idea by sndirsch openshot often crashes when working a lot with audio snippets. I would like to debug this and possibly fix it. |
Get flashplayer (pepperflash) working again in Firefox for my standard user 'sndirsch'an idea by sndirsch Unfortunately flashplayer no longer works in Firefox. It freezes FF for about 1-2 minutes. With pepperflash (coming from Google) flash is not detected at all. Flash works inside of google-chrome though. |
QEMU/KVM Test Infrastructurea project by bfrogers Our QEMU/KVM testing needs to be improved. |
Enhance cpupower userspace tool with powercappinga project by trenn There is a new kernel API/feature: powercapping. The perfect userspace tool to ease up usage and later possibly provide library calls is cpupower. |
Look at Static Code Analysis and Code Coverage for C++a project by aschnell Look at static code analysis and code coverage for a C++ project, in this case libstorage-bgl-eval. |
Research Testing Tools for GFX Stack & how they can be used in openQAa project by eeich There are numerous testing tools for the GFX stack available - the oldes being the xtest suite. At the same time, we are still lacking automated test environments for the funktionalities of DRM, Mesa and X. Ideally the tests should be performed automatically and unattended and the results should be compared to previous runs to detect regressions. Research what tools exist to date and how they can be employed. |
mysql-packaging git repo enhancementa project by kstreitova This Hackweek I would like to finish enhancing of the mysql-packaging git repository [1]. This improvement mainly consists of scripts for a kind of simple continuous integration and git hooks to enforce a few policies for our project. If there is a time I will also take a look at the mysql package itself and check if there is anything to improve. |
Shipping everythinga project by cschum Writing code is wonderful, but it gets its real value, when it's released and shipped to the world. You know the mantra: "Release early, release often". |