Our QEMU/KVM testing needs to be improved.

I plan on working on an ontology to help form the basis of a thorough test matrix for QEMU/KVM, and which will serve as a basis of creating test cases.

In conjunction with that effort, I plan on exploring the new Avocado Test Framework and seeing how far I can get this week integrating our QEMU/KVM testing into that framework. Unfortunately, I will be off part of the week, so I don't expect to make a great deal of progress, but want this to be the basis of a large testing effort going forward.

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Hack Week 13


  • over 8 years ago: bfrogers liked this project.
  • about 9 years ago: bfrogers joined this project.
  • about 9 years ago: nm75 started this project.
  • about 9 years ago: bfrogers originated this project.

  • Comments

    • bfrogers
      over 8 years ago by bfrogers | Reply

      OK - so the inclusion of an ontology (using eg: Protege) was a bigger learning curve than I expected. I'll scale that back to not trying to be so complete with a description of QEMU/KVM functionality, and focus more on just adding some useful tests to Avocado and / or improving how well it matches our needs for testing SLE releases.

    • bfrogers
      over 8 years ago by bfrogers | Reply

      Also somewhat related is the fact that I finally get a new laptop this week at some point, which is powerful enough to be useful as a Virtualization Mecca for testing and development. I'll try to organized my work environment so that my workstation can be also useful for test development and execution.

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