LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is an emerging Internet standard for accessing directory information, and allowing LDAP-enabled applications to access multiple directories. LDAP v3 supports features such as secure connections, entry management, schema management, and LDAP controls and extensions for expanding LDAP's functionality.

LDAP Libraries for 'D' enables you to write applications that access, manage, and update information stored in any LDAP-aware directories, using D language (http://dlang.org/).

D-LDAPv3 is a strictly RFC 4511 conforming LDAP V3 pure D client.

Project home page is https://github.com/oliveiradan/d-ldapv3/ where the latest source can be downloaded.

Continuous integration for testing is available through Drone at https://drone.io/

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  • over 9 years ago: doliveira started this project.
  • over 9 years ago: doliveira originated this project.

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