YaST rake tasks tab completitiona project by mfilka terminal has it, git tool has it, so yast-devtools should also provide it for new rake tasks |
Make ruby-ui usable for YaSTan idea by dmacvicar ruby-ui was a hackweek project with jreidinger to make libyui (YaST text/graphical engine) usable from pure-ruby without going through YCP. |
Implement proper RandR support in XFCEa project by joro XFCE currently has no support for monitor hotplugging, which makes it hard to use on Laptops with docking stations. This project wants to add support to XFCE to automatically adjust its display setup when the monitor configuration changes. |
WSS Kernel team After-Hours schedule interfacea project by jpetersen Working on a way to add exceptions using javascript (jquery), php, json, and mysql to modify the generated calendar used to manage who is on after hours. |
Look into Intel SGX (Software Guard Extensions) for KVM Virtualizationan idea by bfrogers Learn more about SGX and how that might get used with KVM Virtualization. |
Port Spacewalk to openSUSEa project by moio Spacewalk is the upstream project of SUSE Manager. |
Travis CI support for Yastan invention by lslezak Description |
Improve VOVOa project by jloeser VOVO is a server-client architecture to determine current abuild load on devel-network machines. The goal is to trigger machines on and off depending on build power. It is an attempt to reduce power consumption. |
Hamsta plugin: Tasks Distributed Scheduling Executionan idea by bwliu A series of tasks are automatically distributed on several machines. It can greatly reduce more running time than using just one machine. |
hack bundler-audita project by jordimassaguerpla bundler-audit is an open source that scans you Gemfile.lock (if you program with ruby) for known vulnerabilities. |
Grub2: make it easy to select the default boot targetan idea by pmladek "grub2-once" allows to print a numbered list of available targets using --list option. It allows to select the boot target using the number. It would be great to add this functionality to the "grub2-set-default" command as well. |
Get started with QTa project by moskyto Learn QT and make something to try it. |
NIS and IPv6an invention by kukuk Look at the NIS RPC protocol, enable IPv6 where possible, document where not. Try to find out what Solaris is doing. |
Automatic performance analytical framework and dashboardan idea by mgorman My last hackweek project was "melbot", a server-side automated system for running performance tests. This went from being a project to something the performance team now uses heavily. The volume of data it now produces is excessive and problems are easily missed. It's a short hackweek for me due to being on holiday for two of the days but there are three objectives to the hackweek project |
Add "update" option to py2packan idea by tbechtold py2pack (https://github.com/saschpe/py2pack) is used to create rpm packages from python modules. Would be great if py2pack can also update an existing package (download new version, update spec file, check requirements, ...) |
add IP camera to new kicker room to reduce collisionsa project by sleep_walker From time to time we face collisions when two teams would like to play at the same time. |
Build python2 and python3 packages from single spec filean invention by tbechtold Currently python2 and python3 packages are completely independent. Would be imho good to build py2 and py3 versions from a single source (as Fedora, Debian & Ubuntu do already). There was already a mailing list post about this: http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-packaging/2014-09/msg00000.html |
investigate how kernel live patching worksa project by herbert0890 kGraft is SUSE Labs answer to the rising need for being able to patch the running kernel without rebooting the system. I think this kind of tool is very cool, so by this hackweek chance, I want to investigate it how it works and how it was implemented. And also by this chance, I hope I can improve my ability of kernel hacking. If you are also interested in kernel live patching, please join this project together. |
Hamsta webconsolean idea by jw-hao This project was issued by Zhibin Han. |
yast2-fontsan invention by pgajdos
Improve text mode package selectora project by gabi2 Enhance the YaST ncurses package installation to show the changelog of a package and the level of supportability (on SLE). |
gotmailan idea by ovisan Create an ncurses email client in golang. |
BtrFS -- Scrub free spacean idea by winddss Currently only those disk blocks are checked that are allocated by the filesystem and in use. To check for read errors on unallocated blocks can be beneficial to identify hardware that is going to fail in the near future. As my first project in BtrFS, I'll also learn some development skill on BtrFS. |
Upgrade SMBTA monitora project by gschlotter Bring the smbtamonitor-qt to a stage where it can be released, with some additional changes. |
fdisk and libfdisk upstream hackinga project by puzel The project is to address fdisk/libfdisk TODO items from upstream util-linux project: |
support git2tar ball packaging as part of the build processan idea by adrianSuSE To have a more efficient upstream packaging support in OBS, I want to implement the following |
rewrite YaST2 AppArmoran idea by cboltz The YaST2 AppArmor module is still based on the Immunix::* perl modules that are deprecated upstream and therefore causes some maintenance "fun". Upstream AppArmor utils were rewritten in python. |
pimp my mini-game (engine)a project by thutterer I have cloned the classic Snake game in my spare time recently to learn about dynamic memory allocation and pointer stuff in C++. |
SUSE Manager to manage Provo Lab equipmenta project by ganglia Investigate how SUSE Manager will work (in place of Orthos) for managing Provo-based hardware in labs that needs to be shared across multiple organizations. |
improving touchpad driveran idea by maweiss Well, I already joined a project, but for those of you who still don't have one and need some good ideas, why not improving the tenuous touchpad driver? (at least the synaptics driver is) |
Enhance kdumpidan invention by ptesarik The kdumpid tool can be used to determine the kernel version from a crash dump. Some useful features are missing: |
Bug Stats for upstreams in the publica project by zzhou Q: How many new bugs opened over time for a package? |
Broaden image segmentation functionality of OpenCVa project by mbenes OpenCV is an open source computer vision and image processing library (http://www.opencv.org). |
Personal Travel recording web applicationan idea by cxiong I want an open travel application to record my travel activity: connect time/date, photos, comments and thoughts (and many others) with locations and show them all in a map. My plan: |
Combine Hack Week and continious servicesa project by hager More and more customers use our products in mission critical environment. They have a huge need that things run smooth. With Hack Week we have the challenge |
finish de-l3slaveing of crash-setupa project by mhocko The primary motivation for crash-setup (created by l3team) is to make kernel crashdumps deployment and crash using as easy as possible. This has been the case for quite some time except the tool was quite l3slave centric. With a great help from tcech the tool is close to be fully usable from other machines and !.de network as well. |
play with Coccinelle and lock checkinga project by mhocko We had a quick course of Coccinelle during the last Labs conference. The tool is really great and I would like to explore possibility of checking lock invariants for particular functions. Julia was really prompt and implemented something that should help but I didn't get to it since the conference. |
Android client for bluetooth serial device for car diagnosticsa project by cwh There is quite a popular Android software for connection OBD standard adapters but not for older, brand specific ones. One for pre 2001 VAG cars is this one: |
Wireshark hackingan idea by npower AboutThere is a wip dissector for the windows search protocol from gregor beck, I have used it, it's nice but it is missing some things I need. I have no idea about wireshark dissectors, I would like to hack on this and make it more useful to me, |
Testing CRIU and containersa project by tiwai Although I've been maintaining CRIU package, I had little time to play with it recently. It's still interesting especially in combination with various containers. So let's spend (or waste) some time. |
sar data summary report toola project by tabraham1 provide a summary report of data from a sar data file. |
Create tool for applying patches from kernel-source.git against OBS kernel projecta record by sleep_walker Sometimes we get from Labs team patch from kernel-source.git. It is nice as it contains not only patch against expended kernel tree, but also changes series.conf and changes file and identical patch is in GIT. Unfortunately it always leads to conflicts, tarballs need to be extracted and then repacked so most of the job is done manually. |
Generate branches in kernel.git and kernel-source.git trees to match provided kernel PTFsan idea by sleep_walker Current status |
Docker orchestrationa project by flavio_castelli Play with Docker orchestration tools like the ones provided by CoreOS, OpenShift and kubernetes. Provide packages for openSUSE and SLE. |