pyg: PEG parsing runtime for Python
a project by rneuhauser
pyg will be a PEG parser library formed as an internal Python DSL. it will be used in cramex, a copycat of cram with expect support.
arbs - Mirror an ArchLinux package repository in a Build Service
a project by rneuhauser
> [arbs] is a tool for keeping an OBS project in sync with an ArchLinux package repository. More specifically, I use it to sync [home:roman-neuhauser:arch-community][h:rn:ac] with [community.git][c.git], a mirror of the actual svn repository underlying community.
Turn a young person's life into misery
a project by rneuhauser
While programming is occasionally a very rewarding activity, it's mostly a chore and the rest is filled with frustration. Let's teach an unsuspecting youngster program!
Scout a replacement for MTUI
a project by rneuhauser
[MTUI][MTUI] is a tool used by QA-Maintenance in testing maintenance updates. Saddled with a host of questionable choices for its interfaces and implementation, it includes a number of difficult-to-fix bugs and hostility toward change. While not the first choice for me, the time's come to scout out a different approach. Welcome SMRT.
bs-update enhancements
a project by rneuhauser
bs-update simplifies package updates in BuildService, targeting mainly people who are both upstream and package maintainers.
Looking for projects around:
Nothing at the moment