CoreOS is a new Linux distribution that has been rearchitected to provide features needed to run modern infrastructure stacks. CoreOS is popular on most cloud providers (EC2, Rackspace, GCE), virtualization platforms (Vagrant, VMware, OpenStack, QEMU/KVM) and bare metal servers (PXE, iPXE, ISO, Installer).

Play with CoreOS during hackweek and see how and why it works well for HA. See for more details.

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Hack Week 11


  • over 9 years ago: bchou liked this project.
  • over 9 years ago: ZRen liked this project.
  • about 10 years ago: dliang liked this project.
  • about 10 years ago: rneuhauser liked this project.
  • about 10 years ago: wanghaisu started this project.
  • about 10 years ago: wanghaisu originated this project.

  • Comments

    • wanghaisu
      about 10 years ago by wanghaisu | Reply Code of CoreOS in github.

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