Learn Haskell on Project Euler problems
a project by mvidner
I am a beginner: I have read 1½ books on Haskell. I want to practice.
Learn Haskell by creating an interpreter
an idea by chnyda
The aim of the project is to create a stupid interpreter to evaluate arithmetic expressions and functions. I have been reading a lot about Haskell and creating a stupid interpreter is a nice way to get started.
Packman diet 2.0
a project by scarabeus_iv
Continuing last year tweaks of packman project we should proceed in the good work and reduce the packman to provide smallest set of packages possible on Tumbleweed (later on inherited by 43.0...).
Spec-cleaner finishing jobs
a project by scarabeus_iv
Cover more cornercases for spec-cleaner to allow the swap of formatspecfile due to its bugginess in comparsion.
Play with Matrix.org as replacement for IRC
a project by dmacvicar
Matrix.org is a project to create a protocol and server implementation to replace IRC.
Create packages for maintenance tools
an invention by pluskalm
Currently helpers for maintenance of SLE/openSUSE such as osc omg
exist just as git repo, lets have them as packages.
Update Haskell ecosystem in Tumbleweed to GHC-9.10.x
an invention by psimons
Looking for projects around:
Nothing at the moment